kaZING ZRV Winds Down the East Coast

Published in
2 min readNov 3, 2017

kaZING is expanding quickly! Successes in local markets have allowed the business to pursue the next stage of expansion. Traveling in what kaZING calls the ZRV, associates are going city to city and state to state introducing their technology to new communities. The ZRV is a 30-foot vehicle that is equipped with a fully-stocked mobile office. With high-speed internet and office space for up to four people, the vehicle is buzzing with activity and excitement.

While visiting key towns and cities, kaZING is connecting with communities, introducing people to the product, and listening to what users would like to see in future versions of our app. The team is traveling in what they call the ZRV, which is both a promotional vehicle and a mobile office. “We want to understand our market on an even more personal level. It’s one thing to understand it financially and statistically, but talking to real people and understanding their needs is an extremely important part for us,” Amy stated.

The ZRV crew is visiting colleges and talking to students, meeting providers in cities and towns, signing people up, and connecting with as many people as possible along the way.

“This tour goes beyond just marketing and introducing people to our marketplace. We are connecting with individuals, businesses, and communities on a local, personal level. No matter how large we grow, our platform revolves around connecting people locally, allowing users to leverage their skills and networks to find work, and understanding the market and what people need from us,” said Amy Garland.



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