Exploring the One KBTG Culture Ep. 1: The Power of ONE

Golf Petplai
Published in
8 min readAug 2, 2023

Corporate culture is undoubtedly one of the most vital ingredients for any company’s growth and success. And for KBTG’s grand ambition of becoming “the best tech organization in Southeast Asia”, adapting a new culture and set of values is crucial to strengthening the organization to achieve far greater heights.

That is how the idea of One KBTG culture was born. Introduced in October 2020, One KBTG is a transformation of KBTG’s culture which consists of 4 core values: ONE Step Ahead, ONE Goal, ONE Team and Number ONE. Since then, this paradigm shift in organizational culture ignited a succession of one exponential growth after another.

In this series, I will take you on a journey to explore each of One KBTG’s values and demonstrate their applications through various examples whether it’s from historical figures, music, sports, films, and literature. Hopefully once you’re done, you’ll see that One KBTG is not just a concept exclusive to one company, but a philosophical practice of universal values that anyone can use for the betterment of their own life.

Culture is the manifestation of people’s beliefs. It is the representation of values and ideals that determine human relationships in any community. Therefore, the type of culture that people choose to practice essentially has the potential to change the organization either in a positive or negative direction.

I personally think that a truly value-creating culture must be based on a humanistic philosophy with the ultimate goal of people’s wellbeing and empowerment. Such culture must not suppress people’s individuality and pressure them to conform to social expectations. Rather it must be one that transcends all differences and enables everyone to contribute to its creation in their own unique way. Everyone is an active agent of change and has a part to play. That is what One KBTG means to me.

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

The Power of One

Have you ever wondered why KBTG chose the word One? It is a very simple and short word, yet it contains sublime meaning and depth. One is the name of KBTG’s conviction. Naturally, everyone knows that names are very significant. They signify the entirety of whatever we are referring to.

For example, if a person’s name is Mark, we know that the word Mark encompasses everything about him, whether it’s his personality, his language, or financial background. Similarly, whenever we mention the name of our country Thailand, we know that the word Thailand also contains within it all the rivers, cities and people that live there.

Therefore, what name one chooses to give something is highly important because it is a declaration of belief. So what makes One such a great and wise choice of a name?

The common understanding of the significance of number 1 is nothing new. We see it all the time. In arithmetic, the number 1 represents a single or the only entity. It is the first positive integer that makes up all other numbers. Therefore, it symbolizes unity, leadership, individualism, independence and the origin of all things. It is a number that encourages you to be assertive and take the initiative.

The word one is also used widely in different ways to artistically express language. For example, there are many idioms that use the word one such as “one in a million” to suggest rarity and uniqueness, “at one with” to suggest solidarity and agreement, and “all-in-one” to suggest wholeness. And there are old proverbs that express the idea of the power of one such as “one is the mother of ten thousand” and “one single candle can light a cave that has been in complete darkness for thousands of years”.

Photo by Mercedes Bosquet on Unsplash

In religion, 1 often represents spiritual union. In Buddhism, 1 represents cosmic unity and in monotheistic religions like Judaism, Islam and Christianity, 1 represents God or the universe. In Tarot cards, the magician card is numbered 1. This signifies new beginnings and opportunities. On the card, the magician stands with one arm stretched up towards the Universe, and the other pointing downwards at the earth. His stance represents the power and potential to unify the spiritual and physical realms.

In sports, the number 1 is often assigned to an important player who is first or leading in a certain way by printing the number onto their sports uniform or equipment. Examples of this are the goalkeeper in football, the pitcher in baseball, and the starting fullback in most rugby leagues. In basketball, examples of popular, very talented and successful players who wore the number 1 on their jerseys are Derrick Rose, Tracy McGrady, Oscar Robertson and Penny Hardaway. By having the number 1 on their back, it creates a meaning that is attached to the person. The name and the number become synonymous. The person who wears it becomes a symbol that represents great qualities like hard work, perseverance, and courage.

In music, the one count, also called the downbeat is the first and strongest beat in the measure that gives a jumping off point for harmonies, melodies and rhythmic patterns. In any musical group performances like orchestras, bands or acapella groups, the downbeat is the one essential beat that allows every musician to play together in unison. It is the beginning where the rest of the music emerges from. It is the pillar for all melodic and harmonic action that carries an intuitive sensation of stability that propels the music forward.

Throughout history, there are many people who have fought against injustice and demonstrated the power of one person. One of the crucial factors that ignited the struggle for racial equality in the United States was one black woman, Rosa Parks, called the “mother of the Civil Rights movement” who refused to give up her bus seat to a white man in Montgomery, Alabama.

Rosa Park (Source: Unseen Histories on Unsplash

Similarly, Mahatma Gandhi’s stand alone courage and commitment to non-violent resistance led India to freedom from British colonial rule. His philosophy of non-violence inspired many civil rights leaders around the world, including Martin Luther King Jr. who famously led the Civil Rights movement to end racial segregation through peaceful protests, and was famously known for his profound speeches that create tremendous impact on the national consciousness.

These incredible human rights champions have demonstrated that when just one person decides to stand up against evil, it sets in motion an emergence of many other people willing to struggle for the same noble cause. Their stories continue to inspire many generations of people afterwards that each person possess such tremendous power to create good, creating this feeling that one person is capable of bringing changes to the world.

One + KBTG

Although the number one is constantly associated with qualities such as leadership, independence and individualism, the ways they can be used in various domains of human endeavor are endless. And that’s the point. The “One” in One KBTG culture means that every individual has their own stage. It is a culture where you are the protagonist and creator of your own story. You must find your own answer about what One KBTG looks like to you. One KBTG means we are many in body but one in mind. And at the same time it means that one person’s resolve is all it takes to transform an entire organization.

“One” is the representation of KBTG people. It is not exclusive to managing directors or executives. Anyone can practice the culture of One KBTG. Just as the popular phrase goes “how you do anything is how you do everything”, KBTG encourages every individual to live everyday with the spirit of One. A philosophy has no value if it’s not diligently applied to daily life. That’s why One KBTG is everywhere.

The One KBTG philosophy is ingrained in every aspect of our company. At first glance, you may have seen the hashtag #OneKBTG and pictures of KBTG people making the number one hand gesture on social media. If you work at KBTG building, you would regularly see One KBTG stickers in the bathrooms, on tables, walls, our ID lanyards, our shirts and many other merchandise. But our belief in the power of One KBTG goes beyond that. At every KBTG townhall, the executives always express profound gratitude to each employee, emphasize the significance of each person’s role in contributing towards the organization, and encourage everyone to surpass their own limits to reach the number one spot. “You are the captain of your own ship” is a phrase that we often hear P’Krating, our Group Chairman say to the youth. Our leaders place deep trust in the minds of our young talents that anyone from the ranks of KBTG has the potential to come up with innovations that create global impact. Even on the team-level, whenever we discuss with a team, “what is the key to your project’s success”, the answer is always one of the four core values that makes us One KBTG.

Every part of KBTG pulses with the spirit of One. A culture with humanistic values is not limited to any societal background whether it’s race, gender, religion or economic status. We are One KBTG not because we have a Thai ethnicity or have a certain qualification. One KBTG culture is a conscious decision that can be made by anyone. We chose to have this type of culture. We chose One as our name. We put One in everything we do because it is a reminder of what kind of character we aspire to be. By coming back to this simple word, we refresh our determination to push ourselves. We do everything to the highest standard and refuse to settle for anything less. We are strong because we are united based on a firm philosophy. And you can do it too!

One KBTG is a spiritual and mental nourishment that can help anyone become a better version of themselves. And we want to inspire others by sharing our conviction. Without further ado, let’s dive in and see what are the values of One KBTG? What concepts drive us to pursue greatness?

Next Episode

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