5 marketing strategies that will grow your business.

Manolo Cervantes
Kchin Community
Published in
5 min readOct 13, 2017

Social networks.

Social networks are usually very effective when we talk about advertising, but for a social media advertising campaign to be effective it is not enough just to make content and pay for it to be distributed, success actually rely on the study of your market and on content management, may seem somewhat complicated, but it is simpler than it seems.

Market study.

A market study focuses on studying the consumer directly and his behavior, especially consumption behavior, this is in order to obtain the largest number of quantitative data (accounting data, statistics, such as: age, gender, occupation, etc.) and qualitative (non-accounting data such as personality traits and behaviors) as possible.

We recommend using the tools that social networks provide you with to measure the results obtained from the advertising campaign (s) since this helps you to improve your content and your strategies.

In this case, in order to implement a good advertising strategy in social networks is very important to know where is our consumer, ie which is or which social networks are the most used and which content is appropriate to reach him, can be: videos, images, memes, tutorials, etc. To know in which social network our consumer is located and what content we must use to reach it we can base on data such as age, gender and the type of marketing to be implemented if it is B2B or B2C.

You can use a survey tool to obtain this type of data from your consumer, invite him to answer it after making your purchase, obtaining this data will help you to plan strategies, as company, you will also get feedback from your consumer, which you can occupy to improve your products or services.

Knowing the age of the user is easier to determine which social networks to target and which type of content is better or more interesting. With the gender we can determine to whom we are going to divert more resources in advertising, this does not mean that your advertising should not be inclusive, but, it is clear that by the concept of the business or company will always have a stronger incidence of one genus than another, unless the service we provide is very general, such as a grocery store, for example. This is more focused on a type of B2C marketing since in the case of a B2B marketing strategy it is much easier to segment your final consumer because it is not so dispersed, this does not mean that you should not do a segmentation, on the contrary, you must segment and locate your user in the same way.

Once you have defined the social network (s) that you will use as communication channels, look for and segment your target audience.


Segmentation for B2C: As already mentioned in this case you should segment your consumers by age, gender, socioeconomic level, likes, interests, etc. With this data you will have a more accurate knowledge of what strategy to use, what content to offer them and where your user is located on the network.

B2B Segmentation: In this case it is likely that you only have to segment the companies by their life time, how young or mature they are, or you can also segment them by size: small, medium or large, in some cases up to their level of acquisition, or, the latter mentioned may be included within the other two.

Communicate with your audience

Communication for B2C: communication must be more direct and personal, remember that the decisions of purchase of this type of consumer are based on the wishes and benefits that can bring him to acquire the product, service or how you can help solve their problem.

Communication for B2B: On the other hand communication for companies should be based on highlighting the attributes of your product and because it is better about the competition, remember that in companies, buying decisions are not only valued by a single person, on the contrary, it is subject to review at different levels and departments of the company, so it is no longer a decision based on personal values an become into a decision based on the rationality, functionality and characteristics of the product that will bring benefits to the company.

Focus your content.

B2C: highlights the benefits and aspects of your product or service from a more personal and emotional perspective, make your user aware how to acquire it meets their needs, let them know that your company is alive and that you care about it through powerfull messages that encourages their buying actions and also with dynamics and promotions.

B2B: focus your content on your potential users to they notice the efficiency, functionality and positive values of your product, as well as the best aspects of your production process such as delivery times, sourcing, safe transportation, etc.

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Manolo Cervantes
Kchin Community

Industrial and fashion designer, producer and artist. Marketing director at: http://www.k-chin.mx