Newsletter #3

Published in
2 min readJul 15, 2022

Hello Marblers!

It’s been a while since we shared our last update with you. I know there have been a lot of questions about Marbling. Since our mint, we had to witness and experience the market crash. After numerous discussions, we decided to GO WITH OUR PLAN AND MOVE FORWARD STEP BY STEP. And we are delighted to share with you our next project and achievement in this newsletter today.

Before we step into the announcement, we would love to share a wonderful news with you. KCV DAO has received grants from the STX Foundation for CityCoins Mining Pool and Market. We are planning to apply for Grant through other projects in the future. We will continue to strive for developing useful and profitable utilities and creating a strong community for the STX ecosystem.

1. Roadmap

We want to talk about our road map as a reminder. We are working on the project based on the following roadmap. You can also check this on our website (

As you can see, two goals we set for Q3 (3rd quarter of 2022) were “MARBLING GAME and Infinity Square Market Open.” We have been putting all-out efforts to develop these two, and we can finally reveal great things with you today.

Infinity Square is an NFT market developed by KCV DAO. We have already successfully implemented various functions that STX holders have not seen before, and are completing the development of some additional functions. There’s another big news coming soon, so get ready!

In addition, we’ve decided to release Madlings in the fourth quarter. Game and Market took more time and human power than expected. Also, considering the current market situations, we decided that it would be better and be more “stable” to release/air drop something new when the market stabilizes to some extent. You will hear more about Madlings as Q4 approaches. We apologize for confusing you about this!

2. Game

As promised, we want to entertain Marblers in many ways. We hope you can feel the joy through this game. The name of our game is DON (Double Or Nothing)! There are two hidden meanings here!

  • DON means money in Korean.
  • DON also means Pig, the inspiration for marbling in Chinese characters!

The game will be released soon, so please look forward to it!
Again, we want to say thank you for your patience. This will be great!

Marblers, are you ready to run?

