Kdan 2019 Year in Review A — Z

Kdan Mobile
Published in
6 min readDec 13, 2019

2019 has been another year of fun, innovation, and growth for Kdan. We have continued our mission to create a better mobile workplace by launching two brand new services. We’ve been recognized for our efforts as a SaaS provider, and have expanded our team into new locations across the world! A lot has happened for us in 2019, and we want to sum up our year in 26 letters:

A — Awards

Producing the best services for workplace mobility is our longstanding goal, so it’s exciting when we are recognized for our efforts:

  • Taiwan Mittelstand Award — awarded to an exceptional International SaaS Provider
  • Product Hunt — DottedSign was featured as a top Product of the Day
  • Finances Online — recognizes companies and products that are Rising Stars and offer Premium Usability (DottedSign)
  • G2 Recognition of PDF Reader — PDF Reader was selected as High Performer in Fall 2019

B — Blog

The Lab is a great spot to hash out new ideas and inform readers about updates for our products and share mobile working trends and tips.

  • Posted 57 insightful new articles

C — Kdan Cloud

The launch of our new cloud service is the best way to build a collaborative workspace for teamwork and efficient file management.

We just launched the iOS app this year to provide a better mobile experience for managing files and collaborating with teams.


D — DottedSign

Our launch of the smartest eSignature solution for you to sign, assign, & manage documents online to grow your business.

E — Exhibition

We had the opportunity to send teams around the world to make in-person connections with individuals and businesses that share our passion for optimizing productivity in the workplace and unleashing their creativity.


F — Fun

Working hard is great, but it’s important to enjoy time outside the office with your colleagues as well!


G — Gallery

The 8th iAniMagic Animation Contest

iAniMagic is our animation competition where artists from all over the world submit their most creative work. This year’s theme for the contest was “Animal Party”!


H — Hashtag

These hashtags are a symbol of our core beliefs and what we stand to create as a company! They six were among the most popular phrases we used throughout the year when sharing information about our company:

  • #WorkplaceMobility
  • #ESignature
  • #Animation
  • #iAniMagic
  • #KdanMobile
  • #AnimationDesk
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I — Influencers

The promotion of DottedSign has connected us with some great teams & iconic companies this year, such as NewsWatch, E27, and Cult of Mac. It was exciting to see prominent organizations adopting and embracing our eSign service as a way to simplify the signature process.

J — Jolly (our mascot)

Our teams newest member and official CSO (Chief Snack Officer) joined us this year, Jolly!

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K — Knowledge Base

In 689 articles and 4 different languages, we have been able to answer many of our users’ questions and explain our solutions:

L — LinkedIn

LinkedIn has been a great platform for us to connect with professionals all over the world and help our team learn about popular trends in the mobile workplace.

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M — Million

We are thankful for every one of our 6 Million+ Kdan Members and will continue to provide the best solutions for our members everyday.

N — New Team Members in 2019

2019 has brought many new faces to join our team, 36 + 1 Jolly to be exact!


O — Offices

Adding new team members calls for bigger offices. We added two new offices (U.S. and Japan) upgraded our offices in Tainan and Taipei!

P — Pounds

How many pounds have our executives gained/lost this year?

Total is +8.5kg about 17lb

Most people are ashamed about gaining weight, but when it’s ALL MUSCLE it’s an accomplishment!

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Q — Questions

Keeping an open relationship with our employees and members is important. Which is why asking questions is encouraged and helps us grow each year.

R — Reply

We received 12,512 emails in our customer service inbox this year and were able to help users find answers to their questions! (That’s a lot of paper saved!)

S — Sourcenext collaboration

Our first step towards reaching more Japanese users was working with Sourcenext, Japan’s #1 Software Distributor, and having our PDF Reader being listed on their platform. The goal of the partnership is to provide PDF Reader to Japanese users through App Pass by Softbank.

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T — Tenth Anniversary & Tree-Planting Event

10 years strong & still growing! To commemorate our growth, we planted trees continue to with us over the next 10 years.


U — Updates

We’re constantly updating and improving our solutions. How many times did we update our apps this year you ask? 102 times and counting!

V — Vote

2019 has been a voting year. Our team voted on multiple things, including the elected labor representatives, elected members of the first welfare committee, and Kdan’s Character of the year!

萌, meaning the budding development of Kdan’s business
萌, meaning the budding development of Kdan’s business

W — Welfare

On top of regular annual leave, we also have VIP leave and vacation leave to help Kdan people find the right work-life balance

X — X-promotion

Collaborations are always a win-win situation, and this year we have been able to work some great organizations, including Sourcenext, 7–11 ibon, and Juniata Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership!

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Y — Yourator & Career Webpage

Just like our logo, at Kdan we pride ourselves on being able to bring different pieces that come together for a common purpose. With Yourator we have been able to connect with new members that are passionate about working with us and push the boundaries of their creativity.

Z — Zoom

We started using Zoom for video conferencing between our teams around the world. We spent 7,533 minutes on Zoom this year!

Our vision for 2020

2019 has brought exciting changes and opportunities, and we are happy to turn the page to start the new decade. We are looking forward to getting off to a strong start in 2020 and continue improving our solutions and creating a mobile workplace!

If you want to follow along with us in 2020, look for Kdan on social media:





Originally published at Kdan Mobile Blog.

