Lunchtime Productivity: How to Spend Your Break

Kdan Mobile
Published in
4 min readOct 23, 2020

Lunchtime is that sweet midpoint break in our day. We can escape work-mode for an hour or so and do whatever we want. The majority of us probably sit down and eat during lunchtime breaks. However, there are certainly other ways we can spend our time as well. We decided to offer some creative inspiration on different ways you can spend your lunchtime, either alone or with your colleagues with our guide to lunchtime fun!

We want to add that time constraints can vary from industry to geographic location. So, we tried our best to share some personal ways we spend our lunch breaks in Taiwan. Check out our top five ideas and let us know how many you plan to try in the future!

Go Out to Lunch with the Entire Team

Let’s start with the obvious — actually eating with your coworkers. We’re not just talking about your department or your existing lunch crew, but rather the entire office! Find a restaurant that is big enough to hold everyone at once and go out to eat together.

This offers the perfect opportunity to mingle with coworkers you might not speak with that regularly inside the office. You also create the perfect channels to discuss and chat about things that aren’t work-related. We recently went out for a lunch with our entire Tainan office and everyone had a great time enjoying each others’ company over several courses of delicious Japanese BBQ.

Take a Cat Nap at the Office

It seems like the benefits of sleep are endless. It’s no wonder so many countries across Asia, Europe and Latin America choose to sleep in the middle of the day. While many lunchtime pastimes are fun and exciting, it is important to pay attention to what your body needs and slow down from time to time. By sleeping during lunch, you will be able to boost your productivity by preventing mental burnout, making better decisions and recovering from distractions more quickly.

It’s also said that lunchtime naps can increase your memory and help you avoid making small mistakes throughout your day. At our office, people frequently find themselves curled up on couches or catching some Z’s at their desk to get ready for the rest of their day.

Get Fit with a Workout

Don’t let sitting around the office all day stop you from keeping fit. If you have time to kill during your lunchtime, working out is the perfect solution! It doesn’t take much — you can either find a gym nearby, or make space in your office to start exercising. Several of our team members do both, and by doing so they have shared with us that working out in the middle of the day gives them more flexibility during the morning and the evening to do other things. Working out in the middle of the day is also said to help you eat better and reduce stress throughout your workday, that way you can get right back into the swing of things!

Do Something You Wouldn’t Normally Do

There’s no better way to stimulate your creativity and brain power than to try new things! For us, this means occasionally gathering the team and getting together to do activities that we wouldn’t normally do. Recently, we went laser tagging during lunchtime where we went head-to-head and worked as a team all while having fun. The nice thing about activities like laser tag is that it’s not something that everyone does all the time. It becomes a more memorable experience that gives team members more opportunity to cherish time together, even if it means chasing each other with laser guns in the dark!

Find Some Games to Play

It really can be all fun and games during your lunchtime if you allow it. In addition to dining with your team, you can always play games afterwards upon returning to the office. We occasionally choose some of our favorites and pin different departments against each other in an all-out competition where we compete for fun prizes.

Regardless of which team wins, it always just adds that little something special to our lunchtime break. Whether it be the laughs or the fun memories, it is always a nice special touch of quality time!

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Originally published at Kdan Mobile Blog.

