
Kedar Nimkar
Kedar Nimkar
Published in
4 min readApr 10, 2014

Collections is now even betterSince we launched Collections a few months ago, we’ve been hard at work to make it more useful for travel inspiration and planning. Today we’re happy to announce a bunch of enhancements to make Collections even better.

Collections now has new stories

We launched Collections with the promise of adding more inspiration over the coming months. Today we have added the next set of 5 new stories and, going forward, will add new ones every week. Just so you don’t have to wait very long for newer stories. This week we give you Kerala’s best experiences and the best hotels in Kerala to live those experiences. There’s also something on planning your honeymoon in Thailand and the most romantic hotels in Thailand that you must consider for your honeymoon. Finally we also give you India’s best emerging beach destinations so next time you have more options than you are aware of now.

Search for your interests

We now have 50 Collections. And with more to come every week, it becomes difficult to discover new Collections or find the old ones you want to get back to. Today we’re solving that problem by adding the ability to search Collections. You can search for destinations (e.g. Goa, Maldives) or for travel themes (e.g. Beach, Romantic), activities (e.g. Snorkelling, Shopping) or just any word you want. You can even combine destinations, themes and activities to narrow your search — try India adventure or India food.

Get new Collections delivered to your inbox

With new Collections being added weekly, how do you keep up with what’s new? No need to visit the site every week to check for new Collections. Just subscribe with your email id and we will deliver the new Collections straight to your inbox. And, in keeping with Cleartrip’s stance against spamming, we will send no more than one email per week. If there are no significant updates in a week, there will be no mail. Also, if you subscribe to Collections, that’s the only e-mails we’ll send you. No marketing e-mails will come your way by doing this.

More relevant information, when you need it

Collections now intelligently give you only information that is valuable, in the context of the unit in question. Looking at a hotel? You get the star rating and the starting room rates. For weekend getaways you get the drive time to get there. You get hotel prices around an attraction. For cities you get hotel rates in the city and the airfare to get there. You’ll even get insights into the current weather in cities or the nearest airport. You get all these without having to leave the page and wander off elsewhere. For more information and planning you can click through to get all hotel and air options to make your travel come true.

Because there’s always a way

For Collections that are associated with a specific destination we are also adding travel information that will help you make the trip happen. You can easily check the return airfare along with hotel stay for 4 nights and the estimated total for the trip (the airfare is for a single passenger for now). You can also easily open up our Flight + Hotel product to research other options and play around with dates for a better estimate. We will also give you additional routes and transportation options from Waytogo that you can explore.

Related Collections

Many of the Collections are related to each other — like Srinagar’s top tourist attractions and Srinagar’s most charming hotels. Even the two Kerala and two Thailand collections we published today are related. Now when you are seeing one collection, you can easily click through to other related Collections. The idea of having related Collections was to help you plan a better and more complete trip.

We’re really excited to push out these new changes to Collections and can’t wait to hear your thoughts. We’d love to hear what you want us to do to make Collections even more awesome. Tell us what Collections you want to see or share your experiences and tips on our current collections. Drop a line to

Originally published at on April 10, 2014.

