Going Live on Facebook

How the Keele Communications Team use Facebook Live

Keele Comms and Brand
Published in
2 min readJan 8, 2019


Facebook Live is a feature to instantly stream live video to Keele University’s Facebook page, and interact with viewers in real time. This fantastic platform enables us to stream campus events and allows viewers to get a ‘behind-the-scenes’ view of the University, such as from graduation ceremonies or campus tours at open days.

Facebook Live is free and easy to use (all we need is a mobile phone, an internet connection, and a steady hand), and is connecting with an already engaged Facebook audience — in 2018, we recorded 26 Facebook Lives, with a total of 128,000 views.

We want to continue to build on these successes and stream more academic interviews in 2019 to share our expert commentary on new research findings and current global affairs, which helps to raise our profile and supports the recruitment of high calibre students.

The Keele Communications Team are here to manage the process, and only need an hour of your time (maximum!) to set up and record a Facebook Live with you.

We can record Facebook Lives in the Broadcast Studio in the Chancellor’s building, such as this festive example with Dr Katherine Haxton from Chemistry (1.3k views in the first 24 hours), or in your school using our mobile kit, such as this example with Dr Michael Fay from the School of Law (total reach of 5,800 people). Recording in schools is also a fantastic way of showcasing school facilities.

After recording your Facebook Live, we’ll boost the video so that it is seen on Facebook by your target audiences of applicants, current students, and alumni. We’ll also premiere it as a live video on Youtube, and keep it on our YouTube channel for longevity. They can also be embedded onto school web pages.

If you have any questions or a suggestion for a Facebook live, please get in touch at news@keele.ac.uk.



Keele Comms and Brand

Blog from behind the scenes in the @KeeleUniversity Communications and Brand Team: Digital, PR, internal comms & brand. Email news@keele.ac.uk