Ewan Thompson (centre) with Chris Beard, Web Development Manager (left), and Galina Smith, Web Officer (Team Leader) (right)

My first year at Keele

By Ewan Thompson, Web Officer in Strategic Communications and Brand

Keele Comms and Brand
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2024


Last month marked my one-year anniversary as Web Officer at Keele University, and I can wholeheartedly say it was the best move I could have made! From day one, I felt like I fit in well with the team and was immediately comfortable asking the “no question is a stupid question” array of queries that everyone has when starting a new role.

Before joining Keele, I was learning HTML, CSS, and web design in my free time via LinkedIn Learning, as it was an industry I was interested in pursuing. As you can imagine, this was slow-going, and there was only so much I could accomplish without real guidance. However, I’m pleased to say that in the past year I’ve learned a great deal about accessible web design, coding tips, and general do’s and don’ts from my manager, Galina, and my team lead, Chris — both of whom are web geniuses in their own right!

One thing I’ve grown to love about working on campus at Keele — IT’S SO GREEN!! In my previous role, I worked from home (WFH) with no office to break up the monotony of the same four walls every day. Now, however, my alternative to WFH days allows me to be greeted by lush green fields, rows of cherry blossoms (in the right season of course), and a lively atmosphere filled with other staff members, students during term-time, and the hundreds of squirrels that scurry through the trees as you walk around campus (my favourite being the squirrels, of course!).

I am still very early in my (hopefully!) long career at Keele, with so much more to learn in the field of web design. My team is great, our campus is amazing, and the work I do is genuinely fulfilling. I can say with full confidence that I am excited to see what comes next in my Keele journey!



Keele Comms and Brand

Blog from behind the scenes in the @KeeleUniversity Communications and Brand Team: Digital, PR, internal comms & brand. Email news@keele.ac.uk