Public relations for the busy academic

Keele Comms and Brand


The Keele Communications Team is here to support you in sharing your expert commentary on current affairs or new research findings with the general public across digital, broadcast and print media.

Our aim is to disseminate Keele research and academic knowledge as widely as possible, positioning Keele academics as trusted and authoritative voices both in the UK and internationally.

Here’s how we can help you:

I only have two minutes spare today

Two minutes is all we need of your time to reach tens of thousands of people.

We have over 140,000 connections on social media through which to share your expert comments on the day’s news.

Send us an email consisting of a few sentences on today’s breaking news, and we can turn it into a Twitter thread such as this comment about Stromboli, an animated video, or an expert comment graphic.

Or if you’d prefer, give us a call and dictate to us a few lines over the phone — find out more about the team and how to get in touch at

I have 10 minutes

Please send us a few paragraphs on the day’s news agenda, and we will turn it into a short blog to then share on social media, and to pitch to the media as a comment on the day’s news.

Ten minutes is also enough time for us to record a short video clip with you to share on social media. Again, this will reach tens of thousands of people, including potential future students.

We can film this either in our TV studio, or at a location convenient for you.

I have 30 minutes

If you have 30 minutes, that is enough time for us to secure an interview for you on prestigious television and radio channels to comment on the day’s news.

Situated in the Chancellor’s building, our broadcast studio is fully-equipped for live TV and radio broadcasts, enabling academics to give both live and pre-recorded interviews with television and radio news networks across the world, from right here on campus.

Please get in touch if you’d like to meet for a coffee and a tour of the studio beforehand.

I have 45 minutes

Keele is a full member of The Conversation, which allows our academics and PhD students the opportunity to publish articles for global dissemination and republication by some of the world’s most prestigious news outlets.

The Conversation’s editors work with academics to unlock their knowledge, connecting university researchers directly to the public. They seed the mainstream media with expert voices and researched opinions. Together, they build your reach and global reputation through social media and republication.

View our Conversation profile for example stories from Keele colleagues.

We’d love to meet you

If you are interested in finding out more about any of the above, please email Kirstie and Andy at — we’d love to buy you a coffee and chat about media opportunities open to you.



Keele Comms and Brand

Blog from behind the scenes in the @KeeleUniversity Communications and Brand Team: Digital, PR, internal comms & brand. Email