Sarah-Jane Morris
The Event Log
Published in
1 min readSep 30, 2015


San Francisco is a pretty splendid town. Say what you will about the tech industry, we’re nestled in a hub of creative and brilliant minds. We were thrilled and privileged to bring some of these minds together last night at Keen HQ in downtown SF to talk about building analytics solutions from the ground up.

Our speakers included:

Michael Greer, Co-founder at Tapp TV and previous CTO of The Onion

Samson Hu, formerly of 500px and currently Data Engineer at Wish

Kate Heddleston, software engineer, formerly of Runscope.

Michael Greer, former CTO of The Onion, brought the laughs with his funny approach to our sometimes humorless analytics initiatives. Here are his slides:

Funny Analytics

Samson Hu spoke about building out analytics-driven cultures at startups. Here are his slides:

Building Analytics in Start-ups

Kate Heddleston walked through how she chose to integrate Keen to help Runscope track key metrics for their API testing tools. Here are her slides:

Building Metrics In-House using Keen IO

A big thanks goes out to all our speakers and the great audience that came out for last night’s talks!

Get started with Keen today to start experimenting with some of the tools from last night’s talk, and stay informed of future events!

