Ryan Spraetz
The Event Log
Published in
2 min readMar 19, 2013


We believe business-to-business app companies have a unique opportunity in the analytics space. Those companies can collect amazing data about their users and gain all kinds of insights into their customers. More importantly, they can share those insights with their customers to prove in cold hard numbers just how awesome they are. Doing that leads to more business, more repeat business, and more satisfied customers. Leading mobile business application developer Taptera is grabbing this opportunity by the horns as they build out their suite of mobile and tablet oriented business applications.

Taptera has taken full advantage of our analytics APIs by integrating data collection into their existing applications as well as their applications in development.

“We chose Keen IO because of the incredible flexibility it provides and we were able to integrate our apps in an afternoon” — Ian Fisher, Principal Mobile Engineer, Taptera.

With their applications collecting all that awesome data, Taptera is leveraging our analysis APIs to power dashboards that display an ever changing set of key metrics. These metrics not only impact product decisions, they can even help improve sales.

Analytics are not only good for product, they’re good for sales

“Now that we can easily collect all this data, I can ask our sales team for their data wishlist of stats that would help make sales… and then deliver it” — Ian Fisher, Taptera

Taptera’s Events application has been involved in some major events recently. Proving value to event organizers with hard data is a great way for them to get next year’s contract as well. Number of users, number of breakout sessions viewed, number of schedules filled, and number of social media shares are all great metrics to share with their customers. And since our API lets them perform their analysis anywhere, Taptera can proudly display those numbers in the application or a portal for their customers to view.

About Taptera

Founded in April 2011, Taptera makes fast, beautiful and scalable social sales applications for the growing mobile workforce. With over five years of iOS and Android experience, Taptera offers a suite of innovative mobile business products that marry public social data with enterprise systems, including CRM, ERP, SAP, LDAP, Exchange, Google and other enterprise, cloud-based solutions and platforms.

Learn more at http://taptera.com



Ryan Spraetz
The Event Log

Avid rock climber, technologist, and all around nerd. Chief Product Officer at Keen IO