Announcing Hacktoberfest 2017 with Keen IO

Taylor Barnett
The Event Log
Published in
4 min readOct 3, 2017
Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash

It’s October, which you probably already know! 👻 But more importantly, that means it is time for Hacktoberfest! Keen IO is happy to announce we will be joining Hacktoberfest this year.

What is Hacktoberfest?

Digital Ocean with GitHub launched Hacktoberfest in 2014 to encourage contributions to open source projects. If you open four pull requests on any public GitHub repo, you get a free limited edition shirt from Digital Ocean. You can find issues in hundreds of different projects on GitHub using the hacktoberfest label. Last year, 29,616 registered participants had opened at least four pull requests to complete Hacktoberfest successfully, which is amazing. 👏

Hacktoberfest with Keen IO

If you have ever seen our Twitter feed, you know at Keen IO we love sending our community t-shirts. So, we have something to sweeten the deal this year. If you open and get at least one pull request merged on any Keen IO repo, we will send you a free Keen IO shirt and sticker too.

You might wonder… What kind of issues are open on Keen IO GitHub repos? Most of them are on our SDK repos for JavaScript, iOS/Swift, Java/Android, Ruby, PHP, and .NET. Since we value documentation as a form of open source contribution, there’s a chunk of them that are related to documentation updates. We labeled issues with “hacktoberfest” that have a well-defined scope and are self-contained. You can search through them here.

Some examples are…

If you have an issue in mind that doesn’t already exist, feel free to open an issue on a Keen IO repository and we can discuss if it is an issue that is a good fit for Hacktoberfest.

Now, how do you get your swag from Keen IO?

First, submit a pull request for any of the issues labeled with the “hacktoberfest”. It isn’t required, but it is also helpful to comment on the issue you are working on to say you want to complete it. This prevents other people from doing duplicate work.

If you are new to contributing to open source, this guide from GitHub is super helpful. We are always willing to walk you through it too. You can reach out in issues and pull requests, email us at, or join our Community Slack at

Then, once you have submitted a pull request, go through the review process, and get your PR merged, we will ask you to fill out a form for your shirt.

Also, don’t forget to also register at for your limited edition Hacktoberfest shirt from Digital Ocean if you complete four pull requests on any public GitHub repository. They also have more details on the month long event.

These candy corns are really excited about Hacktoberfest

Thank you! 💖

We really appreciate your interest in contributing to open source projects at Keen IO. Currently, we are working to make it easier to contribute to any of the Keen IO SDKs and are happy to see any interest in the projects. There’s an issue open for everyone from someone wanting to practice writing documentation to improving the experience of using the SDKs. Every contribution makes a difference and matters to us. At the same time, we are happy to help others try contributing to open source software. Can’t wait to see what you create!

See you on GitHub! 👋

P.S. Keen IO has an open source software discount that is available to any open source or open data project. We’d love to hear more about your project of any size and share more details about the discount. We’d especially like to hear about how you are using Keen IO or any analytics within your project. Please feel free to reach out to for more info.



Taylor Barnett
The Event Log

staff developer advocate @planetscaledata , @apispecs co-chair, ex @transposit, @stoplightio, @Keen_IO .