Dan Kador
The Event Log
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2014


I woke up this morning with this e-mail in my inbox from my teammate Peter Nachbaur. So. Awesome.


Oars up, we’re on the warpath. We’ve liberated some villages behind us, and we’ve got our eyes set on increasingly bigger targets. To celebrate our recent accomplishments (best month of sales and the impressive growth of our engineering and product pipeline!) Vikeen Michelle consulted the sages and determined we should lay jolly waste to Fort Funston and surrounding beaches. We’ll head over after next Laurelsday at Heavybit to spend some time together.

“But wait”, I’m sure you just mumbled loud enough to make your cat lash her tail. If you had a cat. “Kyle just edited the sacred Introspective Happy Hour calendar invite.” You reassure your cat, Doris, that you’d never intentionally miss a meeting on your calendar but especially not anxiousexcited.

Fear not fellow Vikeens, we are fiercely adaptable. Like the dwarves of old, we go forth with both hammer and stein.


Can you think of a better way to share our feelings than at a beach sunset? Actually have you seen how much sunlight we have now? We might get cold before then.

In the next few days, be sure to reply to that invite and stay tuned for musings on fine topics like “Castle Buckets: great beach toy or best toy ever?” and “What is the optimal Sunhat-Brim-Length ::: Pallidity ratio”.

yours in war and peace,
- Techno Vikeen Peter

ps. was this whole thing just an excuse to use that picture? I don’t even know anymore, but look at the detailing.




Dan Kador
The Event Log

Co-founder and CTO at Keen IO (@keen_io), software engineer, entrepreneur, geek, all around okay guy.