Introducing Transparent Pricing

Ryan Spraetz
The Event Log
Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2017

To our current and future customers:

Hi, I’m Ryan, the Chief Product Officer here at Keen IO. I’m excited to make a handful of announcements today about changes to our pricing and to how you buy and use the platform.

Firstly, we’re moving to a new metered pricing system. This means you can now pay directly for your usage of the various components of our platform (which are divided into three products: Streams, Compute, and Access), rather than having to choose a bundled plan that was measured only on data ingest.

Second, we’re removing the $1000/month cap on what you can buy in a self-service fashion (previously you had to negotiate a custom, annual contract with us if your usage was above a certain level).

Finally, on feature availability: many of our platform’s capabilities (e.g. Stream to S3, Cached Datasets, and the entire Access product) have only been available as part of custom, annual contracts. The feedback we got from our users was that while these technical capabilities were quite exciting, the prospect of having to engage in a negotiation process just to use them was not. Now and in the future we’ll be working to make all of our functionality discoverable, learnable, and purchasable online, in a self-service fashion — and of course, transparently priced.

Already a fan & using Keen? We’re working on a transition timeline for current customers. Until you hear more from us, your billing won’t change. You can see your payment tiers listed under your billing settings. We’ll be transitioning your accounts to the new pricing in waves, but there are several thousand of you, so this will take some time.

We’ve been gathering an exhaustive set of customer feedback for the past few months, which has guided our decisions here, but of course we haven’t been able to talk to everyone. If you have any feedback on any of this, or questions about your account specifically, we would love to hear from you! Please reach out to us at, or login and start a new conversation with us using the Intercom chat at the bottom-right of the page.

Stay tuned for an exciting 2017,

Ryan & the whole team at Keen IO



Ryan Spraetz
The Event Log

Avid rock climber, technologist, and all around nerd. Chief Product Officer at Keen IO