Keep Calm and Connect All Students

Introducing our New Blog Series

Office of Ed Tech
Keep Calm and Connect All Students
2 min readApr 14, 2020


We acknowledge and commend the many efforts on the frontlines in education to help support meaningful learning while physical school buildings are closed. To assist in these efforts and address the challenges our students, families, teachers, school leaders, and States are facing as they shift to distance learning during this health crisis, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Educational Technology (OET) plans to publish an extended blog series, Keep Calm and Connect All Students.

The Keep Calm and Connect All Students blog series will share reflection questions, highlight promising solutions, and describe effective practices in a concise, readable, and actionable way. Each week will focus on a new theme or set of themes with multiple posts geared toward a variety of audiences. These posts will be designed to help anticipate or meet your needs, no matter what role you play in education. The information shared will also complement other publications from the Department.

A young girl on her computer works on a math problem at home.
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

As the traditional teaching environments that we have all come to know and are familiar with have been abruptly disrupted, all players in the education ecosystem must rethink and develop new, innovative, and inclusive forms of learning for all our students. We are certain that together, we can tackle the challenges presented and create solutions-based and relevant approaches that ensure equitable and transformational learning experiences for all students.

We look forward to you joining us, and encourage you to send questions and feedback to or via Twitter @OfficeofEdTech. Department of Education information about COVID-19 is available at:



Office of Ed Tech
Keep Calm and Connect All Students

OET develops national edtech policy & provides leadership for maximizing technology's contribution to improving education. Examples ≠ endorsement