I Showered for the First & Third Times Since Gender-Affirming Breast Surgery. They Were Two of the Most Profound Experiences of My Life.


And here are details about the surgery. (I got chills while writing this content piece.)

(Note: An experience approaching as powerful happened after my third shower since the surgery as well. I was compelled to say, “You are such a girl.” Out loud.)

I have personally learned that the “gender-affirming” in “gender-affirming surgery” is an accurate adjective.

And it actually might be selling the surgery short a lot of the time.

Top surgery/breast augmentation’s results for me have included two experiences in short time that wasn’t just affirming, but profound.

My experience

I had started showering. I placed my hands over my breasts.

And I was overcome.

And it also compelled me say, out loud, “I’m a girl.”

Though I’ve vocalized my gender before, this occasion, like the others, was an incredible realization of myself internally as I said it.

Me (photo credit: Alysha V. Scarlett)

I then just leaned into the shower corner opposite the shower head, closed my eyes and realized…



Alysha V. Scarlett
Keep Fighting: The Power of Resilience

Alysha's won 13 writing awards. Formerly of B/R, Screen Rant, Patch. Author, “Re-finding Yourself in the Age of Trump.” “Big-city cousin.” --rural, rival paper