Decisions decisions…

The never-ending cycle of life

Edwin Goitia
Feb 2, 2014

You find yourself sitting down, many options and opportunities laid out right in front of you. You weigh your pros and cons, being as detailed and thorough as possible. Thereafter, like many of those instances in our life, we jump to a conclusion. What most of us don’t think of it as, however, is that we are literally “jumping”.

Jumping…in the sense that you are making a new decision.

Jumping…like you’ve never jumped before.

Jumping…hopefully in a more bold and daring manner than you have ever committed to in your life.

So how do you know if you are making the right decision? How do you know if it’s going to get you closer to your ideal life? You don’t. You just go with your gut instinct and freaking do it. No regrets. No turning back. No undoing your decision to solidly proclaim your commitment.

It’s time to start owning up to your decisions, the outcomes of those decisions and everything in between.

No matter what life you feel you could have lived making a different decisions, sometimes, things truly do happen for a reason.

Look at the bright side of everything and always smile. Because there’s only going to be more decisions in life. So enjoy the ride, and don’t let decisions and the endless cycle of decisions decide your happiness in life.



Edwin Goitia

Father | Speaker | Author | Blogger | Podcaster | Event Marketer | Tour Manager. Check out my newest venture