The Deceptive Legacy

Safeguarding Our Children Against Distorted History

Larry Nowicki
Keep It Silly Simple


created by Larry Nowicki on

Understanding the concern about the dangers of distorted history and the impact false narratives can have on the next generation. It’s crucial to address this issue to ensure that young people are equipped with accurate knowledge and a deep understanding of the past.

In a world where historical truths are often obscured by revisionist accounts, the narrative of the past becomes a battleground for shaping the future. Today’s youth, the torchbearers of tomorrow, find themselves navigating a sea of misinformation and half-truths, unsure of what to believe amidst the cacophony of distorted history.

As someone who has witnessed firsthand the ebb and flow of time, the discrepancies between the reality you’ve experienced and the narratives propagated to the younger generation weigh heavily on your conscience. The fabric of history, once woven with threads of authenticity and raw emotion, now appears frayed and distorted, leaving the next generation adrift in a sea of falsehoods.

The education system, meant to be a beacon of enlightenment, has become a breeding ground for falsified accounts and sanitized versions of the past. The stories of sacrifice, struggle, and triumph that once defined our collective heritage have been diluted, twisted, and…



Larry Nowicki
Keep It Silly Simple

👄The KISS Specialist👄 👍simple makes it easy 😉break it down to basics Keep It Simple Skills.