The Medieval Dagger

It had one purpose

Larry Nowicki
Keep It Silly Simple


123 drabble

created and copyright by Larry Nowicki on

The medieval dagger, a weapon of lethal precision, was crafted with a singular intent, to take life swiftly and mercilessly. Its design, characterized by its elongated and pointed structure, facilitated the grim task of infiltrating its target with ease, slicing through muscle, tendons, and organs with deadly efficiency, rendering the victim incapacitated and often lifeless. Neither a mere utility knife nor a full-fledged sword, this weapon found its place tucked securely in a sheath on the bearer’s belt, ready to be drawn silently and strike with lethal accuracy. Constructed from robust tool steel for durability, sometimes adorned with ornate embellishments, the medieval dagger embodied a stark reality, it existed solely to kill. In the hands of the skilled it did just that.

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Larry Nowicki
Keep It Silly Simple

👄The KISS Specialist👄 👍simple makes it easy 😉break it down to basics Keep It Simple Skills.