5 Ways to Live Your Legacy

The TriggerBox
3 min readOct 23, 2015

We write our legacy every day by the words we choose, actions we take and people we love. A lasting legacy lives on long after we‘re gone and can be preserved by building a lifetime of memories that are impactful for generations to come.

Here are a few tips for living out our legacy:

1-Rekindle Old Relationships

It’s easy to lose track of old friends and it’s sometimes tough to remember how and why we lost touch. Reach out to old friends and acquaintances. Clear away past judgements or issues — this will be empowering and will give you a renewed sense of joy about developing and keeping relationships.

2-Be True to Yourself

To leave a lasting legacy, you need to understand your own personality and values. Think about how you interact with people and how they respond. Keep a journal of how you handled situations throughout the day and how others responded to your actions. Once you know how you think about yourself and how others think of you, then you can begin to get a better picture of who your are and what legacy you are creating.

3-Be a Great Friend

Make a conscious effort to spend time with parents, children, grandchildren and friends. Everyone has a different “love language” — you will quickly learn how to make someone feel special and loved. Set aside a movie day with your child. Take your mom to brunch at her favorite restaurant. Plan a date night. It’s the little things that count.

4-Take Life by the Horns

Do you have a passion for certain activities? Life gets busy, but don’t stop doing what you love. It may be playing a musical instrument, doing something adventurous, traveling, or exercising.

If you don’t have anything you are particularly passionate about, then find something. Try small things: a weekend getaway, golf or tennis with a friend, walking or hiking with a co-worker. These small things may lead to something more lasting and can open you up to more adventurous activities. Before long, you may be zip lining with a friend or loved one in an exotic location.

5-Safeguard your Memories

No matter how many memories you accumulate, your loved ones won’t be able to remember them all. Collect stories, photos, videos, and more to share. Store those artifacts into a legacy box for your family to access once you are no longer with them.

If you’ve never created a legacy box, you can create one for free using a tool called Trigger Box. Simply upload photos, videos and journals to a legacy box and have it automatically sent to your loved ones after your passing. See this quick video to learn how.

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