When you don’t know where home is

Jess Semaan
Personal Growth
Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2015

By: Jessica Semaan

Photo by Elle Wildhagen

Wherever you go is a foreign land

Where you live is a city of roaming strangers

Where you came from is painful and deceiving

Where you are heading to is nowhere to be found

You are too old, too jaded, or too broke to go anywhere new

So you feel stuck, stuck in the walls of your own handmade jail

You are a refugee of a home that does not exist

Then you think, in your desperation, what if home is someone

The lover you have not met, the partner you already live with, your friend from childhood

Then you cling to that someone, you surrender to their love and approval

But the moment comes where you realize they are not home

They are them and you are you

There are no home you can own

And the truth hits hard: no one is home and no where is home

You envy even more those who have it, those who found it, those who brag about it

And in your misery, you stop looking for a home

It is neither north, nor south

It is neither east, nor west

Home is no place, no people

Home is moments

Moments when you feel safe and loved

Home is a stranger you meet on a plane who pours their hearts to you

Home is the scent of your favorite dish as you were growing up

Home is drinking with your best friend, laughing and crying at your bad decisions

Home is the laugh of your new born child

Home is not a place, not a person. Home is moments. And they are at your fingertips.

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About the author: Born and raised in Lebanon, Jessica is the founder of The Passion Co.and Start Conference. Previously, she spent 4 years at Airbnb, building and scaling operations. She teaches at Stanford Design School, and resides in San Francisco. Stay in touch with her work by subscribing to her bi-weekly newsletter here.

