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Why You Should Reinvent the Wheel

Hannah Kowalczyk-Harper
2 min readSep 24, 2015

We’ve all heard the advice that we “don’t need to reinvent the wheel.” Indeed, sometimes people spend too much effort trying to come up with a completely original idea when altering an existing one is an adequate choice. However, I would argue that there are often many reasons to disregard the norm and create something original and unexpected.

While some people were trying to figure out how to improve the quality of CDs, Steve Jobs was reinventing the music wheel and creating the iPod. In general, while Apple is consistently improving their products, collaborators are also coming up with innovative new products. Want the monopoly on a product? Invent it. Others will try to improve your products, but if you are always the one creating something new, this leaves them continuously playing catch-up.

In the realm of writing, innovation is also key. With the vast quantity of books and other reading materials available, writers need to create something that will stand out. Sure, if you published a vampire book right after Twilight came out and got a piece of that craze, it would help your book. But it probably wouldn’t be as popular as Twilight itself. Most people would roll their eyes at your book and think, “Another vampire book right now? Really?

Don’t follow trends. Start them.

My experience teaching (and learning!) has constantly reiterated how important discovery is to your mind. That means, even if your product is similar to another person’s, the fact that you came up with the idea independently is still valuable. Think of the friend telling everybody about their great idea for an invention. After some research, it turns out the product already exists. That shouldn’t take away from the value of the idea and make the person give up on being original. Maybe next time, it’ll be something that hasn’t been invented yet. Maybe that person will reinvent the wheel.

How will you try to be innovative? Which wheels will you try to reinvent?

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Hannah Kowalczyk-Harper

Freelance writer & editor. Feel free to reach out at hannahkharper @