Is 1,000 Notion Blocks Enough?

Why Notion’s New Pricing Model is Tough to Judge

Francesco D'Alessio
Tool Finder


Many people have emailed into to Keep Productive asking “Should I upgrade to Notion now I’ve hit the 1,000 block limit” — my question is always different.

On all Free Plans inside of Notion, you have a limit of 1,000 blocks (elements), unlimited members and a 5MB limit on file uploads. This is the case across the board (no pun intended). This model of usage is something we’ve not all been used to, so it’s hard to get our head around it.

With blocks, you aren’t as aware of how much you are using as you go. You almost become blissfully unaware of the limit and how much each page takes up. 1,000 blocks will get you enough to create a simple framework, but not enough to completely run your Notion account off, especially if you’re adding blocks at a progressive rate month to month.

Don’t get me wrong, I feel Notion brands itself more as a priced subscription, with the free plan being a starter kit for your new account, but it’s good to ask yourself some questions before you upgrade to your new Notion account.

Ask Yourself

