Your Next Productivity Tool is…

How Planner Apps Will Rise & To-Do Apps Fall

Tool Finder
Published in
4 min readOct 4, 2021


Over the last few years, to-do list applications have been the predominant solution to managing your tasks. Lining up your list of tasks or list of things to get done, all in one location — and alongside a calendar app, and a note-taking application — the set has been complete.

Times are changing…

This is why I believe your next to-do list application, won’t be a to-do list app. The next major productivity application will be a planner application.

In the last year, planner apps have been rising stars. Tools like Motion — for example, are turning heads as the one place people manage both their tasks, meetings and calendar events in one location.

A hub for planning work — versus managing your to-do’s to be planned….

📚 4 Reasons Why Planners Are Rising

1. The Planning Process

