Week 10 Re-cap: For Whom the Bell Tolls

Chris Alexander
Keeper League
Published in
3 min readNov 16, 2018

I apologize for the delay in the last three re-caps. For those who don’t know, my job requires me to write monthly reviews on the financial services industry, basically the same thing I do here with moderately higher stakes. And sometimes it’s hard to get started writing again when I’ve spent my whole day doing it. But on the subject of overcoming writer’s fatigue Ernest Hemingway once wrote, “All you have to do is write one true sentence.” And so I give you this, one unfathomably true sentence. LeVeon Bell and Nathan Peterman both left their teams the same exact week.

Week 10 Re-cap:

Goodell Has CTE v. Dead Inside

  • These two heavy hitters put up a collective dud this week. Both teams had to plug a few holes due to tough bye week situations, but underperformed nonetheless. Goodell Has CTE was able to just barely outpace Dead Inside thanks to a resurgent Aaron Jones. Surprising for a guy who did not believe in Jones. For Dead Inside, it’s never a good week when your defense is your third highest scorer.

Swandog Millionaires v. Worse Than UMass Football

  • One time in high school a teacher announced that he would be checking a months load of homework that I had up until that point deemed “optional”. In one night I raced to complete everything I could but sadly, it was too much. I went to sleep defeated, and fearful of the collapse in my GPA. However, when I woke up the next morning I had been blessed by a surprise snow day and I lived happily ever after. That’s how I felt Tuesday morning. When I went to sleep Monday night I was down more than 30 points with only OBJ and Robbie Gould left to play. When I woke up, I had won! And I lived happily ever after.

Darren McFadden v. Loser City

  • Darren McFadden only got double digit point totals from three players, but it doesn’t matter when those players are named Patrick Mahomes, CMC, and Zach Ertz. They cruised to a win against Loser City. After the loss, Loser City was like Moses’ mother, floating Zeke down the river so that he may escape tragedy and find a better life on a better team. (That’s how that story went right?)

Trader Joey v. Better Than the Raiders

  • The key to Trader Joey’s success is depth. Only one player scored under double digit points, on their entire team. Meanwhile, Better Than the Raiders has to be disappointed in the loss, as he would have beat all but one other team in the league this week. Even more devastating is the fact that they had to change their name after the Browns won. Oof.

Game of the Week

The Football Guys v. Worse Than the Millionaires

  • Let’s get this out of the way, The Football Guys are good and scored a lot of points. Ok, now let’s focus on the real issue at hand. Tou-effing-ché Will. I’ve had a lot of fun at the expense of your team name, and this was a perfect “clapback”. Look, I know my team name is not great. I know it’s based off a movie that came out over ten years ago and no one has thought of since. But you try having the “swan” in your name. Try driving past one pond and see if someone doesn’t point out the type of birds in said pond. I only have one other movie to name my team after and its about ballet. I don’t like my team name either, but I’m not changing it.

Look! The NFL is Still Fun!

If there was a “fun scale” for jobs in the NFL I would put Wide Receiver on the end of “Really Fun” and Camera man on the end of “Really Not Fun”. So could a Wide Receiver make being a camera man fun? Let’s find out:

LeVeon Bell Watch 2018

It’s over.

