Who are nano-influencers?

Published in
5 min readOct 18, 2019

Influencer marketing is steadily replacing traditional advertising that consumers have already lost their faith. Smart marketers and brands choose to work with influencers to persuade the buying decisions of their audience. Depending on the number of followers, we categorize influencers into mega, macro, micro and nano influencers. In our previous blog, we have talked about things you brands should know about micro-influencers and how brands can take advantage of them. Now we will look at another type of social media influencers — the nano-influencers.

Who can be defined as a nano-influencer?

Having an account with a large number of followers or being widely popular is not necessary to be an influencer. It doesn’t matter how many fan base influencers have, the only thing is needed is the ability to shift their fan’s behavior or thought process. Think about any of your family members, parents or siblings. How many influences do they have over you? Whether you admit or not, some of your decisions are the result of their influence and you are the audience of one.

There is a predominant idea that the bigger the influencer, the better your results which are not always correct. A word from a nano influencer may have more impact than macro-influencers with thousands of followers.

Nano-influencers are defined as Instagram influencers with at least 1,000 and usually not more than 5,000 followers. Here we can specifically include Generation Z. Instead of traditional advertising and celebrities which have been grown to mistrust, they have more tendency to turn to the opinions of their online peers. Clearly, we are heading towards a trend where consumers, in particular, the younger generation, will increasingly rely on nano-influencers to assist with their purchasing decisions.

Here are some of their notable characteristics of nano-influencers:

  • A small number of followers
  • High probability of not working with any brand before
  • Appearing as a “friend” persona
  • Very specific niche
  • A higher engaged community

Reasons to choose nano-influencers

We used to praise social media influencers with hundreds and thousands of followers and give them a big amount of money to endorse our products. But making more unique and relevant advertisements and targeting the right audience is key to every successful marketing strategy.

Nano-influencers achieve this by creating original and user-generated content. They usually have more niche content. That’s why brands can reach various segments and better position their products with the help of nano-influencers. These new niches are a good opportunity for brands to test the new product, to examine the reactions and to get feedback from the audience. This is also a good opportunity to open up a new market space.

Just like your family members or friends, nano influencer is “normal” people with a nano-lifestyle. A nano-influencer is almost considered a friend by most of their followers. As they don’t use influencer marketing as their main source of income, they appear more relatable and approachable for a brand.

Fewer followers = More engagement

State of Influencer Marketing 2019 research states that nano-influencers have twice a higher engagement rate on Instagram than that of any other influencer group. It has already proven that if the influencer has a larger audience their engagement rate decreases. Compared to a celebrity with more than a million followers, nano-influencers can engage about 8.7% of their audience, while this percentage for a celebrity is just 1.7%.

In comparison with the mega-influencers, they have more category-specific audiences who are closely interested in their publications. Therefore, they can create a stronger relationship and one-on-one communications with their followers. They are more likely to reply to every comment and interact with the audience. They don’t simply reply with a catchphrase but give meaningful answers to their questions. As a result, these relationships lead to higher engagement and trust.


In having a considerably large following, mega-influencers provide brands with a notably greater reach, but at a very high cost. However, leveraging multiple nano-influencers will have more influence than working with a mega-influencer with the same audience. Of course, there are more financial benefits of this collaboration. A few percentages of nano’s prefer monetary compensation, which means they are ready to collaborate with you in exchange for products or services which makes them more approachable for small businesses as well.

Grow your future ambassador

They are enthusiastic and easy to work with. So they are growing faster than any other group of influencers. It is more likely that in the near future they can become micro-influencers or even macro-influencers. So it is a chance for brands to grow their army of ambassadors.

They are more like “friend figure”

Nowadays, consumers exposed to promotional content every day, so they can easily identify them. However, nano’s feed is not filled with paid content yet, therefore they are able to provide a sense of authenticity. A recommendation of a brand or product from a friend (or a nano-influencer who provides that level of friendly intimacy) will bring better conversion rates than a paid advertisement.

Finally, before starting to leverage nano-influencers brands should consider that they don’t have much experience in advertising. So they are going to need more help, advice, and control from brands. Brands can help by giving a detailed brief and not interfering with their way of interaction with followers. It is also necessary for nano’s to have a general understanding of the brands they collaborate with. Not having a thorough understanding may risk the brand’s message being fragmented.

