Concealed Chemistry — Part 1

Edgar Eden
Keeping It Kinky
Published in
7 min readJan 14, 2024
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You stand naked in front of me, wearing only the collar that marks you as my slave. Your hands are clasped behind your back and your head is slightly lowered while I sit on a chair. I reach for your sweet udders and squeeze them a little. Take the nipples, tease them, pull on them, and twist them. You draw in the air through your teeth, pressing hard against each other, wanting to lift your head and look away.

“Hush and stay like that, slave,” I order you. You try hard to be obedient, forcing your head down. Satisfied, I smile at you, taking your udders hard in my whole hand.

“Two cute little limp milk bags,” I grin, squeezing them hard. Again you flinch, want to turn away again. Firmly I take your nipples, twist them quickly, and pull down so that you have to bend over slightly. You whimper softly, your toes forming incessant little fists. I feel you suffer, enjoy the moment, and let go. Your udders sway slightly before my eyes. I clap my hands against each one from the outside.

“Instead of looking away disobediently, you should be thanking me for liking your milk bags, slave,” I grin as I continue to pound your udders.

“Thank you, my master, for pleasing my flaccid little udders,” You gasp out. I stop slapping you, take your nipples again, and pull your face closer. I kiss you, releasing your udders and stroking your head. When our lips touch, I feel your horniness. Your tongue drills into my mouth and my hard cock is marked by my shorts. In my balls, it already pulls. You would already be ready to fuck you easily, but today I want to see you suffer. Therefore, I end the kiss and let you stand upright in front of me again.

With light strokes on the insides of your thighs, I drive your legs apart so I can get good access to your swollen and wet cunt. As I run a finger through your slit, I feel that you are already producing a lot of mucus. I contentedly stick my index and middle finger into the dirty hole while my thumb massages your clit. You moan softly as I start to fuck you. With my other hand, I knead your ass cheeks, then your udders, and back to your ass. Would I continue, you would come then? But you’ve earned it yet. I pull my fingers out of the slime hole and hold them in front of your mouth. And you taste your ass off my fingers, sucking on them.

At the same time, I pull back your skin on the clit, take it out and see how swollen it already is. I lick over it and suck lightly on it. Your breath is heavy, and your belly rises and falls quickly.

“My little sow likes that,” I say with a grin. Still sucking on my fingers, you nod.

I laugh, “Maybe you’ll get more of that later,” and I pull my finger out of your mouth.

Instead of spoiling you further, I run my wet hand through your face. I know you don’t like it, but isn’t today about all the things you don’t like?

I grab your nose between the knuckles of my index and middle fingers and squeeze. Your eyes flutter, and you fight the tears that inevitably come. It’s about the things that like. That includes your tears, your pain, and your humility. Your eyes get wet, but it’s not enough for it to trickle down your cheeks. That’s where I want to go, your crying is my triumph. So I stop, pull you down to me by one nipple, and kiss you again.

“Be brave, little slave,” I breathe towards you. I make you turn around so I can see your ass.

Hard I slap your right ass cheek, you have forgotten about your arms. Quickly you cross them again at the back, while my hands discover your body. Everywhere you feel them, on your udders, your belly, between your legs. Lightly I pinch your thighs and your calves, testing the firmness of your body. Without warning, I push my middle finger into your slimy hole. Without any problems, I can fuck you a little, heat you. But I pull it out again abruptly and slide through your ass crack. I feel how you contract, a little of your disgust gives free rein. But I don’t react, instead pulling your ass cheeks wide apart to get a good look at your asshole.

“Cute it looks,” I giggle and press a kiss to it.

You pull it even tighter to make sure I don’t put anything inside. I grin at myself and give him another kiss. I lick the outside of it while squeezing your ass cheeks together. Then I let go of them and kiss each of them again tenderly. You relax noticeably, your asshole has come off.

From behind, I grab your belly, play with a small fold of skin, and pull on it. You moan softly. My hand slides deep, and comes to the strip of tape that adorns your cunt. I stroke you there, first following the hair, then against the grain. Gently I take a little hair between two fingers and pull on it.

“I once wanted you to be completely straight, remember? You didn’t like it, though, and I was gracious to you. Maybe I should depilate you with tweezers, what do you think?” I ask you.

“No,” You say firmly, shaking your head.

I turn you around and tell you to go to your seat. Immediately you kneel in front of me, I take your face in my hands and kiss you very gently on the mouth.

“I guess that would be too much,” I say as I kiss you.

Unnoticed I reach out and take a short rope. I’m sure you don’t have a hair band with you, so I tie your monkey hair together with the rope. Again I kiss you, but suddenly I have a few clothespins in my hand. You guess what follows now; I will decorate your udders.

Slowly and pleasurably I let a clamp snap shut on each nipple. You close your eyes and feel how the small buds are squeezed and the blood is pressed out of them. I hold you in the neck, you should look at me, look into my eyes, take in my pleasure.

Then I take the skin left of each nipple between two fingers and put another clamp on each udder. I do the same to the right of each nipple before kissing you again. Whenever I get to the clamps, you flinch. When I pull on them, you squirm slightly. It’s a good thing I have my hand on the back of your neck, so I hold you in place nicely. You will neither be able to avoid me, nor the pain.

When I let go of your udders, I look at you as you kneel stark naked in front of me. My cock is now bulging in my shorts and you would love to devour it. But I don’t want to come yet, nor do I want to erase your boundaries. So I pull you close to me by your collar and put your lips on my right nipple. Immediately you start to lick and suck. Your horniness drives you and you make it too strong. A light blow on your head is enough and you are soft again.

I pull you to my left nipple, which you may also caress. I put my feet on your thighs, what I have you finally. After you have licked and sucked enough of my nipple, I pull you back by the hair. I kiss you before you are welcomed as a slave.

You know what that means and slide on your knees a bit away from me. Then you bend to my right foot, kiss my instep, lick my toes, and also between them. You hold your ass up nice and high so I can see it well and put my left foot on it. When I take it down and put it on the floor, you know you can kiss it. Again I feel your lips and your tongue on my foot.

My right foot is on your back, pushing you down low. Your ass is even higher as a result and I can kick it better easily. Suddenly I stand up. You want to stand up too. But I didn’t say anything about you stopping kissing my feet. For this inattention, I will have to punish you. I decide that each ass cheek gets 10 cane strokes and you will count each blow nicely and thank me dutifully.

You already know this, you know that after each stroke you have to say the number and the words “Thank you, Lord” before kissing my foot.

But this time I’ll change it a little. Before I start with your right ass cheek, you may already kiss my left foot and ask me for 10 strokes of the cane. Without hesitation, you obey the command and I continue to enjoy your tongue and your lips on my foot. However, I must note, you are not exactly begging for the punishment and I would love to hear that. Therefore, I begin to beat with the stick on your shithole and you the request over and over again before bring. After five or six attempts I am satisfied and your cunt slimes out in the meantime.

Your punishment begins only now and the first blow hits your right ass cheek. Artfully you count and thank me after each blow. You take the punishment well, although your ass slowly turns red. The marks stand out beautifully on the skin, I stroke over it when I also set the last blow on your other ass cheek. From behind I pull you up by the hair, squeeze your udders with my hand, and play with the clamps.

“Was that necessary, slave?” I ask you.

Wordlessly you shake your head. I am satisfied with you and pull your face back to the floor. You still hold your ass up like a horny piggy, your dirty hole is open and the clit is hard by now. Gently I take the left inner lobes between two fingers and let a clamp snap shut with pleasure. Inevitably you cry out briefly, and your toes clench. I let you feel the pain briefly before a second clamp follows. Again you have to scream, but that doesn’t bother me, on the contrary, I love your agony.

