Fucked by strangers in the men’s toilets

Angel Sub 034
Keeping It Kinky
Published in
12 min readJan 28, 2024
Image by Freepik

The stranger humped her, pounded into her pussy, making growling noises like a dog preparing to attack someone, and eventually shot his load into her. She felt it deep inside where the curve of his cock reached towards her cervix, which she knew was now soaked in the semen of two strangers.

The panoramic lift glided upwards slowly, all to the way to the tenth floor where the restaurant was based. When she stepped out, Leila caught sight of herself in the glass door: tall and very slim, wearing a burgundy dress slashed to the thigh on one side, she looked like a model. Her Dominant was proud of her, she knew that. She hoped the couple who were meeting them tonight would be equally pleased with her.

After all, tonight she would be their toy.

They walked over to a booth at the far end of the restaurant, in the VIP area. On the way there, she saw tables crammed with couples and groups of friends enjoying an expensive night out. Waiters were carrying plates with Argentinian T-bone steaks and chilli margaritas, and speakers blared some Latino rhythm that made Leila think of Ricky Martin. Everything was bathed in the warm, orange light of corner lamps and candles lit on every table.

Leila looked straight ahead, not letting herself get carried away with the party atmosphere. She wasn’t here for the party, for the fun of it. She was here as part of her submission for her Dominant, and she had a job to do. Her task: to please the couple they were about to meet, her Dominant’s new business partners and friends.

When they arrived at the booth, they realised that the couple had already arrived. They were seated along one end of the rectangular table and talking to each other in a serious, private manner. When they spotted Leila and her Dom, the couple stood up. Everyone shook hands politely, exchanged smiles. It was a little bit awkward, or maybe it just felt that way to Leila, who’d never before done anything like this. She wasn’t sure exactly what was expected of her. The couple were both tall and broad shouldered, the woman looked positively Amazonian. Leila’s Dom had explained that the woman was a top lawyer, a King’s Counsel in fact. But it was the man who was of the main interest: an IT genius whose programming skills Leila’s Dom was intending to use to expand his crypto-currency reserves.

Once everyone was seated, the young waitress brought a bottle of Laurent-Perrier. Leila didn’t remember seeing anyone ask for champagne. Did the couple already arrange it, before the meeting had even begun? Although she didn’t usually drink, she accepted a glass. Her hand was a little shaky from the excitement of meeting two strangers who were soon about to dominate her; the thought was starting to make her feel wet.

The couples ate and talked small talk for the next couple of hours. The man’s eyes didn’t leave Leila’s face. Not even the sight of her magnificent breasts, straining in the tight burgundy dress, was enough to pull his gaze away. Whenever she looked at him, he smiled, but she wasn’t able to read anything on his face. She tried to smile back but her jaw felt stiff and she worried that her smile came across as fake.

At one point, Leila’s Dom whispered into her ear that he wanted her to swap places with the other woman. ‘Go sit next to Jasper,’ he said. ‘He wants to talk to you.’

Leila did as instructed. She stood up and waited for the other woman to vacate her place. Once the woman was seated next to Leila’s Dom, it looked like the conversation turned to business. There was no sign of flirting, desire or anything sexual on either of their faces.

Jasper patted the seat for Leila to sit down. She obeyed, settling into his side of the booth. She felt uncomfortably full from the dinner and chastised herself for eating. She should have known better than to down a whole steak and a portion of halloumi chips, on the night when she had to expose her body to this stranger. She sighed and tried to put it out of her mind.

Jasper whispered something into her ear.

‘I’m sorry, what was that?’ Leila asked.

The man leaned in even closer. ‘Open your legs’, he said. ‘I want to see if you’re wet.’

Leila submitted. She bit her lip as the man’s hand started to explore between her legs. He stroked her thigh, moving in closer, until she felt his fingertips on her clit, over the top of her underwear. She observed his other hand, lying still on the table. His fingers were long as if he were a pianist. He had tidy, trimmed fingernails with a slight shine, which made her think he must get professional manicures. It wasn’t an unpleasant hand to have touching you. She wanted to close her eyes and give herself to the sensation, but she knew that everything visible above the line of the table had to look normal.

‘Do you like to fuck?’ Jasper asked her.

Leila found herself blushing. Why the question? She’d fuck him if she was told to, yes, in the way she would do anything her Dom told her to. But she didn’t like to be asked about her feelings and preferences, which to her felt private.

‘Erm, I guess so. I mean, who doesn’t?’ she tried to joke, to deflect from the seriousness of the question. Did she like to fuck? She’d been fucking — or, rather, she’d been fucked — since she was sixteen years old. She never really stopped to ask herself if she liked it. It was just something you did, as a woman — you let men fuck you. Being a beautiful woman, she had a lot of choice so she could be selective about who got to fuck her. But she often thought that everyone got fucked by somebody, you just had to find your match.

‘Do I have your Dom’s permission to fuck you?’ Jasper asked.

She looked at him. ‘Sir, you’ll have to ask him that.’ What a strange man, she thought. He knew the rules. Why pretend?

Jasper motioned to Leila’s Dom that he wanted to speak to him and for a few moments the two men exchanged lively comments, which Leila couldn’t hear from where she was sitting. At one point, her Dom burst out into laughter and nodded his head. Both men looked at Leila at the same time, and Jasper gave her a smile, not of friendliness but of barely concealed lust. He was determined to have her, she could see that.

When the men finished talking, Jasper took Leila’s hand. ‘Come with me,’ he said and got up.

‘Where are we going, Sir?’

‘To men’s toilet’s,’ he said.

Leila had to catch her breath from the surprise and excitement of this revelation. It was weird to think she had never, not once in her life, been inside a men’s toilet. In fact, she’d always thought of it as a gross, dirty place where no self-respecting woman would enter, not even if she was desperate to pee. But this was a beautiful restaurant and she was sure that even the men’s toilets were gorgeous. But best of all, they’d be full of men, and men is what Leila liked most in life.

Jasper led her by the elbow, over the main restaurant floor, through the maze of tables, past the bar, past the swing doors into the kitchen, down a corridor and finally to a door displaying the familiar sign of a male shoe. On the wall opposite, a matching door showed a woman’s stiletto, much like the ones Leila herself was wearing.

Leila felt her stomach clench in excitement as Jasper pushed the door open and led her inside.

The first thing she noticed were the urinals. Three were occupied and two were empty. When they walked in, the men didn’t notice but Jasper asked Leila to say Hello, gentlemen in a loud and clear voice.

She coughed to clear her voice, then said: ‘Hello, gentlemen.’

All three men turned around and gave her a surprised look. One looked particularly uncomfortable. ‘Excuse me,’ he said, ‘ are you sure you’re in the right place?’

‘Yes, the lady is sure,’ Jasper answered instead of her. ‘There’s a reason she’s in here, and it’s one that should make you gentlemen very happy. Take a good look at her.’

Two of the men were already giving Leila their full attention. The third man shifted on his feet, looking even more uncomfortable, but for some reason not doing the obvious thing and leaving.

‘The lady,’ Jasper continued, ‘belongs to a friend of mine. But the good news is that he’s lent her to me for the night, and what I intend to do with her is watch her get fucked. That’s what I like to do, and that’s where you come in, gentlemen, if you’re up for it.’

One the men chuckled and put his hand down on his crotch. One just stared, and the third one — the one who’d seemed uncomfortable from the moment he saw Leila — shook his head vigorously. ‘Not me,’ he said. ‘Uh-oh. Absolutely no way. This is disgusting.’

Jasper threw him an amused look. ‘Suit yourself, of course.’

But the man still didn’t move.

Jasper led Leila inside one of the cubicles. All of them were, thankfully, empty. He instructed her to stand with her back against the side wall of the cubicle, lift her dress up above her waist, remove her underwear and lift one leg onto the toilet, so as to create better access to her private parts.

Leila was trembling all over with anticipation and excitement. She could feel the wetness between her legs, as her pussy was preparing to get pounded by these strangers who were gawping at her through the door of the cubicle. She positioned herself as Jasper had instructed. When she removed her panties, leaned back onto the wall and lifted her left leg onto the toilet, she felt air on her pussy, that delicious feeling of being naked and exposed. While Jasper’s back was turned, she ran a shaky hand down her wet, warm slit. How puffy did her clitoris feel under her fingertips! If she had any doubts as to whether she wanted to subject herself to this experience, her body voted in the affirmative.

‘Who wants to go first?’ asked Jasper.

The man who’d been fondling himself already stepped forward, towards the door. Jasper came out of the cubicle to make room for him.

‘Enjoy the lady,’ Jasper said with a mock theatrical movement, his hand showing the woman, naked from the waist down, waiting inside the cubicle to be fucked.

The man came in and, without closing the door, opened his zip and dropped his trousers mid-way down his thighs. His erect penis was thick and long and, if Leila’s was honest with herself, looking like every woman’s dream. How lucky am I that this stranger should be so well endowed! she thought to herself. Her sex felt hot and wet and swollen, ready to receive him. As soon as he pushed his cock inside her, she started to move her hips to get closer to him. He nailed her with thrust after thrust, pushing her hard into the cubicle wall, which shook. Other than the sound of him pounding into her body, the men’s toilet was dead silent. Leila couldn’t see but she imagined that everyone else — Jasper, and the other two strangers — were watching her. This thought made her even more wet. The only person missing was her Dom. She wished he was there to watch her, too, to see what a good girl she was being for him, how she always fulfilled his expectations, even if they were just to obey a business associate of his. He’d be pleased, and proud.

If anyone asked Leila, How can this be love? she wouldn’t know how to explain it. In a world where love usually means possession, where the unwritten rule is This is mine so don’t touch, how could you explain to someone that him sharing her made their love even more special, even more devoted? She never felt more his than in moments like this, when another man was taking his pleasure on her body. She felt she was offering the ultimate gift to her lover — herself, without boundaries, without reserve. And she knew that it made him love her even more madly too — she was his property, yes, and that meant he could do whatever he wanted with her, but she was precious property, a diamond one doesn’t just keep inside a safe but wears and shows off and lets others bask in its exceptional glow.

The man’s cock was stretching Leila’s pussy and rubbing on the inside her walls, until she was a couple of breaths away from an orgasm. But then he came, hot thick sperm exploding inside her, and he pulled out. He stepped out of the cubicle without giving her another look.

The other man came in. He dropped his trousers and pulled out his penis. Less generous than the first man’s, but with a nice curve which she knew would hit right on her g-spot. She was right — as soon as the man opened the lips of her pussy and pressed on the entrance of it, and then pushed in with one swift movement and the entire length of his cock entered her body, the pressure on her G-spot released Leila into an orgasm she’d been desperate for.

The men watching, including Jasper, all laughed.

‘She sounds like she enjoyed that,’ Jasper said. ‘It’s always lovely to see a lady enjoy her sexual services to absolute strangers in men’s toilets.’

She heard him. Yes, she knew that someone looking at her could think it was all one deep humiliation, something she should detest and resent. But why should she? It was her body. Her body enjoyed penetration. This kind of evening was a dream, she thought, and if other women were honest about it, many of them would have to admit that it’s their dream too.

The man fucked her vigorously, opening her legs as wide as he could, until she worried that her foot would slip off the edge of the toilet, or even worse, that her shoe would come off and fall in. But this didn’t happen. The stranger just humped and pounded and ground into her, making growling noises like a dog preparing to attack someone, and eventually shot his load into her. She felt it deep inside where the curve of his cock reached towards her cervix, which she knew was now soaked in the semen of two strangers.

Finally, he finished and let her go. She was covered in sweat and cum was dripping down her thigh. But she knew it wasn’t over, not yet, because the last man — the one who’d clearly just pretended that he was uncomfortable — was still standing there, watching.

‘Well?’ Jasper asked him. ‘Are you going to fuck her, or what?’

The man looked frozen on the spot, unable to move. Leila suddenly realised that he really did feel uncomfortable, but also so aroused at the same time that he could neither fuck her nor leave.

How long would they all have to stand there, while he made up his mind?

But Jasper wasn’t going to waste time. ‘You’ll regret it later,’ he said to the man. ‘Maybe I’ll give you another opportunity, if you’re lucky.’

She pulled down her dress and rearranged herself. Jasper put her panties into the pocket of his trousers. ‘You won’t be needing these for the rest of tonight,’ he said. ‘We’ll be back in here three more times before we go,’ he told her. ‘I want most of the men in this restaurant to fuck you before they go home. There are going to be a lot of unhappy wives and girlfriends tonight, wondering what their partners are doing in the toilets for so long.’ He laughed. ‘Not my problem, of course.’

They got back to the table, where Leila’s Dom and the lawyer woman were looking over a contract. The Dom looked up, gave Leila a small smile.

‘Did she do well?’ he asked Jasper.

Jasper nodded and sat down. ‘She did well. She’s a good girl.’

Leila felt a blush of pleasure warm her cheeks. Between her legs, that wet warm place was pulsing with tiredness and the final few waves of pleasure.

‘Get some rest, before the next round,’ said Jasper. ‘Drink some champagne. You’ve deserved it.’

Leila put her glass to her lips and gazed lovingly at her Dom across the table. How she loved their nights in the city.



Angel Sub 034
Keeping It Kinky

Hi, I'm Angel. I write literary BDSM erotica for readers who love a great story. Please join me if you want to add some spice to your reading life.