Becoming a millionaire millennial

Keeping Stock
Published in
4 min readFeb 25, 2016


If you’re done with the latest episode of Making a Murderer, let’s talk about how we can get on the right path to being a millionaire. They say if you put you mind to it, you can do anything. That’s what they tell you to make you feel better. You can only achieve anything with DAMN HARD WORK. This concept is probably foreign to most of us millennial sadly but if you’re ready, there are things we can do to make money work for us!

  1. Ask for help. As mentioned in my other post about buying my first property, don’t let the impossibility of an investment/idea stop you from even starting! Ask your friends, your family, your next door neighbour. If you have a good investment idea/plan, there is no reason why others would not be interested. Be passionate about your idea and sell it just like you’re trying to sell that house party to your best friend so you don’t have to go alone. Just like any good party, you need a wingman/woman in the money world too!
  2. Focus on extra cash. You can do this through odd jobs, selling no longer wanted items on eBay, handrafting Etsy items to sell, house cleaner, baby sitter, pet sitter, dog walker, personal trainer, freelance writer, human guinea pig, uber driver, voice over acting, freelance virtual assistant..and the list is endless. Think about what you’re good at. Think about how much extra time you can free up in a week and make use of this time! You can rest and sleep when you’re dead. We’re young, we’ve got the world’s information at our finger tips — it would be a shame to let it all go to waste.
  3. Do not save. If you are lucky enough to have cash lying around — invest, invest, invest. Put it into high interest term loans, indexes, blue chip stocks, property — anything that floats your boat. Whatever you choose, remember to research, research, research. The key is to make your money be your slave not the other way around.
  4. Don’t half arse your goals. Firstly set some goals — whether it’s having enough to invest in x, having x investments by 201x or increasing your salary to xxx. Then stick to it. You wouldn’t half arsedly choose your girlfriend or boyfriend so why would you half arse your goals? We’re cut-throat millennials. We don’t often want to admit it but if our date doesn’t have a job on par with our own, doesn’t pay for a first date, or his nose is too big, our first thoughts are generally — too bad mister. No second date. If this is how we naturally select our future potential mate, then anything for yourself personally should be even more cut throat! Invest time and effort and most importantly DAMN HARD WORK into yourself. Because really, if you’re not doing that, then you will probably be on the other end of that selection anyway — even if your nose isn’t that big.
  5. Be nice and don’t show off. It’s surprising how so many people can forget to be just a decent human being. Being nice will surprisingly get you far. People will want to listen to your investment plan. People will want to be your friend. People will want to help you. People are really great! These said nice people don’t care about the new pair of Yeezy sneakers you’ve posted on your Insta. They won’t care if you’ve just taken your dog for a walk. But if you have been nice, they will definitely give you the time of day. Sometimes all you need is a chance, an opportunity and that 1% of luck that goes with the 99% of hard work.

I spend a lot of time making fun of myself as I’m a millennial too and it’s much too easy to be a negative nancy and talk myself out of doing things but we need to realise, as a millennial, we have been born into the age of opportunity. We grew up watching the internet boom from a green screen to what we see today. We grew up in playgrounds of dirt and sand and the age of mobiles came to us when we needed it most — in our teenage years (so we could text that boy we really liked!).

We have the foundation of our parents and our grandparents but then are handed the tools to change the world.

Let’s stop “chillin” — that’s too easy. Let’s get busy!

