How PayPal Fucked Me Out of $500

2 min readJan 31, 2016


Well to be exact, $503.95

Farewell my $500. It was lovely to hold you in my hands. You felt so safe and secure when you were in my hands. But alas, I gave you to PayPal and you are no longer safe :(

I paid $3.95 to add $500 to a PayPal “My Cash” card that I then sent to my relative. My relative received the card, attempted to use it, then told me that the 10 digit pin on the back of the card would not work. She received an error message every time. So PayPal got their money, but I don’t have my money and my relative doesn’t have the money either. Where is it? No one knows. Does PayPal know?

Perhaps my money is floating in space. PayPal doesn’t give a damn, because to them…I’m just $3.95.

Yes I’m in the working middle class and $500 is a lot of money to me.

