Lets buy some houses!

4 min readDec 28, 2015

Money makes the world go round and this was true in the past and will be forever true.

Hi. My name is Wen and I love travelling and property. I also love a fucking good party and I hate talking about the weather or food.

As a millennial approaching 2016, the plethora of articles like this one http://www.businessinsider.com/scariest-statistic-about-millennials-retirement-2015-12?utm_content=buffera4fc9&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer&IR=T here is not uncommon.

We’re known to grow up in a technology filled world where social media makes us want more and more and the list of to dos, to buys and places to go are endless.

Now I’m not suggesting we go invest in some ETFs right now nor am I going to write articles filled with bullshit motivational quotes and spiels. And to be fair, 2.7% annual dividend yield on ETFs? Piss off. I’d rather put my money in a bank. Lets be real – half of us rather be checking FB, watching Netflix or planning our next holiday. The effort required to research and learn about stocks and what ETFs even are is just too much effort with not enough reward. Us millennials are greedy guts. We want minimum effort maximum output. This basically makes us the douchiest generation of all time. Most of us loathe hard work and if our job doesn’t provide the right benefits/opportunities/people/yadayadayada well complain till your ears fall off. Then we get jealous when we see our friends on FB and Instagram travelling or a sudden Instagram fashion blogger star being paid 15k to do a post of a shitty L’oreal lipstick. We think they’re living the dream. But then we sit down (probably in a room owned by our parents) and do a bit of self analysis. We realise – well shit – to get our own lives to that stage is just TOO DAMN HARD. We add “life admin” to after Christmas or after this project at work or after I’ve finished a 27 HR game of thrones marathon.

Everything always seems so damn hard but I have to disagree. My friends tell me I’m just too crazy. Too fast. Too much of everything and they’re just tired and trying to get through another day of work. But I’m really not. It’s not easy – nothing good ever is – but it’s not THAT hard either. Hard is when you have no roof over your head and you sleep outside Victoria station over the cold of the winter in dark London days of -2 degrees.

So I’m going to share with you all what I like and how I did it. And let’s try to use real world examples so we can learn the skills to make our measly savings work harder for us.

Let’s get the basics right.

That’s one of the many slogans flashed around my work place and one of the few I actually like.

Don’t be a slave to money. Make money your slave.

That’s from my mum but she could have copied it from Gandhi or something.

And why should you read what I think? Well I’m 28 and I have “owned” 6 properties throughout my life. I’m down to 4 now but I’ve managed to travel to over 40 countries, lived in 3 and I have more than 1200 FB friends (Ofc the deciding factor of why I’m awesome and I know my shit) all at the same time. I don’t have nearly the life or business experience like Gary Vaynerchuk (if you don’t know him then get to know him) does but that’s what makes me more real. I’m not the poncy rich kids of Instagram “star”. I’m not that motivated cool kid who pranced their way into an top dollar churning hedge fund. I hate my job and my parents piss me off sometimes. I like to eat Indian takeaway and watch 3D movies with my BF. Sometimes my biggest dilemma is should I go to bed or should I refresh my Facebook feed one more time. I’m you baby!

But I just want you to know that making money work for you, average Joe/Jane, is not out of reach and we should just cut out that 2 hrs of FB/Netflix time a day and just focus. When articles tell you oh take 10 mins a day to focus on yourself. That’s also bullshit. You don’t make it big with 10 mins a day. A life is a commitment. If it’s too much you won’t get started but if it’s too little you won’t get anywhere so let’s start with 2 hrs (but really you should aim for 4).

Ask me questions, give me suggestions and I’ll try to be as honest and transparent as possible. I’m going to focus on finances and little wins that can happen each and every day and hopefully we can get out of our average lives and make it just a little special :)


