The Power and Influence of Commodities and Giving

4 min readJan 19, 2016


Karl Marx was a great man of his time. He strongly believed that Capitalism is a mode of production based on private ownership of the means of production. Capitalists known as the bourgeoisie produce commodities for the exchange market in order to stay competitive; and they must extract as much labor from the workers (proletariat’s) at the lowest possible cost. Karl Marx then believed that one day the proletariat will one day over throw the bourgeoisie/capitalism and replace the capitalist mode of production with communism. Anyways, Karl Marx also believed that commodities such as raw materials cannot go to market and make exchanges of their own account. This means that people (bourgeoisie) incorporate such items to the market in order to make a profit. I agree with Karl Marx because items are just items with no value. However, I think that the media today has a huge influence on consumers. Advertisements are everywhere which gives power and influence to the commodities. The media insists society to believe that they need to purchase certain items because it has “value.” For example, today people need a car, but the media influences the consumer that they need to purchase their ideal of the best car. If you really think about it, it is still a car, they are the same thing, but you are influenced by the value behind it and its appearance.

Karl Marx also believed that people are “characters who appear on the economic stage are, but the personifications of the economic relations that exist between them.” To me this means that people express who they are by the amount of money they have. These people that are famous/rich have to perform this ideal identity because of the way others view them. Your identity is a performance and it is expressed through your commodities. Society will not only treat you differently, but they will view you differently based on the value of your commodities. Therefore, their commodity possesses for themselves and although it may have use-value for others they will not take it to the market. Their commodities just expresses a sense of exchange value.

Karl Marx explains that all commodities are non-use values for their owners until there is change of hands. This change of hands constitutes whether the item is of value because the other person believes it is. Hence, commodities must be realized as values before they can be realized as use-values. The way I understood Karl Marx is the saying, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” If the owner does not recognize their commodity as valuable, but yet the other person does then the owner missed out on a profit. For example, if i have a pen and to me i see it as having no value, but yet another person comes along and wants my pen. I therefore sell, give, or exchange my pen and then I realize that my pen was actually valuable because of the way the other person is using it.

While reading the article Capital Vol. 1 Chapter 2 by Karl Marx and discussing the article, I realized that giving today has many definitions when it comes to today’s generation. For example, giving may mean exchange, passing on an important item, etc. I personally believe that giving is a selfless act that someone commits for the other person. You therefore don’t do take backs and you don’t throw it in someone’s face the next day.

As I continued reading this article I thought about homeless people and the idea of giving. I strongly believe that giving is a selfless act and that we should give those in need without question. To the homeless we are the bourgeoisie who can help them and make a difference.

In the media today there is all of these trends about giving back because homelessness is a huge problem in our society. The reason that there are many homeless people especially in California is because families have financial problems, young adults get kicked out, abuse, disabilities, etc. There are many reasons why people end up homeless and it is not always the stereotypical reasoning such as drugs, laziness, or because they are crazy. Today in social media helping the homeless has become a trend and for the first time I agree with this trend because society is helping others and not wasting water for a challenge. Social media is actually coming together to make a difference and give a helping hand.

Lastly, Karl Marx explains how a commodity gains a value. I believe that this video explains the value of giving and how commodity gains its value. This video shows people who seem to have it all whether they think so or not; we have shelter, food, a job, etc. To us food doesn’t seem to be valuable because we can afford it. However, to the homeless food has a use-value so, i leave you with this last statement. Whenever you see someone in need don’t turn your cheek, but give a helping hand because you help change a life as well as commit a selfless act.

