Luz Maria
Published in
2 min readDec 19, 2018


A Song That Touches My Heart-Made A Way

(by Travis Greene)

Greene T. Is an American singer. He was born as a still born but God brought him back to life . When he was four years old , he fell from a tall building and he was pronounced dead. His mother prayed and called on the name of Jesus and Travis came back to life again.

The song reminds me that God makes a way for his children. When you think all is lost , God shows up. Sometime you are faced with mountain (big problem)you don’t know what to do but, when you call on God , he shows up.

This song reminds me about myself when I was pregnant with Melanie, my third daughter. Nine years ago, my husband was with another woman and I was having a hard time because he was very careless and did not care about me and his daughters, even forgetting that I was pregnant. There were days when we ate late. My daughters and I were all a mess in the house, things were out of control and I asked God to help me out of the horrible situation that was killing me every day. Every day was a new challenge for me. Myself and my daughters suffered very much in that situation but one night I had a dream where Jesus Christ told me that I was under His mantle and from that day life changed in an extraordinary way for me and my daughters. Jesus showed up and made a way for me, when I was looking for a way to fix my life. Since then when I feel bad or things are not going well I remember that I am under His mantle and I reassure myself and trust him and things get better because I tell myself that God always made a way for His children who believe in Him and that without the help of God our future is uncertain. Every moment of my life I tell my daughters that they have to put everything in the hands of God like their studies, plans for the future and the whole family and that in the name of Jesus everything is possible. This is why I like the lyrics of this song and I can identify with Travis Greene (artist who sang it).

Nicole,Megan,Melanie,Aprile and me.

