Mina Malak
Published in
4 min readDec 14, 2017



Braveheart is a 1995 American epic war film directed by Mel Gibson who was showed in the movie as William Wallace. The movie was about the Scottish warrior William Wallace who led the first war of Scottish independence against the king Edward of England. The movie shows how Wallace’s childhood wasn’t that good when he lost his Dad and his brother. Later on he grow up and became a warrior like his dad and sadly after that his lovely wife was raped and killed by the English soldiers. Braveheart is a beautiful movie that shows the great personality of William Wallace

The movie didn’t show that Wallace had a good childhood. He also didn’t have his mom, later on during the movie Wallace lost his Dad, when he was a kid between the ages Seven to Eleven years old. His uncle took him to raise him somewhere out of the town they used to live at. He came back to Scotland and worked as a farmer. Wallace was really strong to lose his family in this young age, especially his Dad who was a perfect warrior example to him

What really made this move my favorite one? Is that much braveness that William Wallace had at this time in gathering all his people, leading and fighting in the first lines. He never gave up on his fights for freedom, until thousands of Scots heard about him and they decided to join his army. In a very short time, Wallace created a big army and with his strong and wise personality, he had the ability to led all the scots to fight for their independence, plus that he used to be in the first line in every fight they been through. That shows how he really was a strong and a perfect leader to his own people.

William Wallace had been through a lot of hard situations since he was a little kid. When he went back to the same town that he used to live in with his dad, he fall in love with his childhood friend Murron MacClannough. Sadly, after that one of his dreams became true, unfortunately it didn’t last long when the English soldiers raped and killed her. After that, Wallace came back and killed the soldiers exactly the same way they killed her by executed in public

Braveheart is a one of the greatest movies that makes me or the audience feel like we have journeyed with the characters and have a perfectly clear idea of what was going on. I’m so proud of Braveheart, because it feels me like I’m watching or living something real of what happened with the Scots if the first war of Scottish independence against king Edward l of England. Knowing a lot more about William Wallace’s life and how he was a real hero to all the Scots.

In conclusion, the Braveheart will be always be my favorite movie. I feel every time I watch I that I discover and learn something new. Every time when I think about the movie and think more deeply about William Wallace’s life and how was he a great a great warrior that made all the Scots trust and follow him. He didn’t give up or run away when the English soldiers killed his wife, but he fought them back and killed all of them. That’s why it’s a one of the best movies that shows us the perfect example of William Wallace, who really deserved to be called the Brave Man back then.

