Diary of a Mad Black Woman

bernice mensah
Published in
6 min readDec 20, 2019

As a person who watches movies occasionally, I cannot count the number of times I have watched this movie “Diary of a Mad Black Woman”. This movie is a romantic-comedy and a true story produced by Tyler Perry and released on February 25, 2005. Many people describe Tyler Perry as a man who writes and produces most of the stories about women; this shows his concern and sentiment towards women. Though there are a lot of themes and moral lessons portrayed in the movie, the prominent and consistent one is the treatment of women in marriages (domestic violence) and how love plays a role in this situation. Every time I watch this movie, I fall in love with it more as I learn new lessons for my life.

Any day “The Dairy of a Mad Black Woman” is shown, on the television, I happen to be home to watch it; I always fantasize over the fancy, beautiful and luxurious life of Charles and Helen. They live in a very huge and beautiful mansion, are successful, have money and live perfectly in all these material things and lavish such beauty outside but inside their homes there is unhappiness and maltreatment. It is quite funny how I always get angry at the ironic life of Charles, I should get over it already with the number of times I have this movie. However, I just cannot seem to get over the fact that, Charles’s attorney but very abusive to his wife, cheat in their marriage while Helen as a woman with a very good educational background but unemployed because her husband does not want her to work. Therefore, she sits at home every day, bored, no children and finding ways to make her husband happy so her marriage can work.

On their eighteenth anniversary of a marriage, Charles surprised Helen with his new wife and a child. Helen was beaten mercilessly and thrown out of the house she had built with her husband. She goes to stay with her grandmother and during her stay; she finds love again with the driver who helped her get to her grandmother is when she was thrown out. As the story progresses, a secret about Charles’s career is revealed when he is shot which made paralyzed. The revelation was that he got most of his money from drug dealers he defended as he won cases for them. This time around, it did not go as planned so his defendant shot him while he was going to jail for his crime. With what Charles has caused Helen, an audience would expect her to be happy and excited about what had happened to her husband but she becomes very remorseful, leaves her newfound love named Orlando and hurries to help her husband get better while his new wife is nowhere to be found. During this period, she takes her husband to become mild while she becomes bold and brave to defend herself even though it made her look like a crazy woman. One would suspect or foreshadow that his husband realizing his mistake and changing his attitude is make him go but to him at least that was what I expected but it turns out I wrong: When her husband gets better, she divorces him and goes to her new love Orlando.

From this movie, I have learned that money cannot buy happiness and not all that glitters is gold. I say this because, in the movie, Helen like every other woman would love to have a successful husband, a beautiful house where you only sit around and wait for things to be done for you so do not get tired but Helen was very unhappy with all the luxury that she had. She could have been happy to stay at home and not do anything or worry about being employed but she was unhappy because her husband cheated on her and abused her domestically to the point that she had many miscarriages. With all this abuse, unhappiness and always trying to fix her marriage, which gave her stress, also explains why she had been married for eighteen years and still did not have a child. She found happiness with Orlando who had nothing like her husband but she was happy. Even her smiles when she was with him showed how happy she was around him. Happiness gives comfort and peace and that is what real love is, that is what Helen found in Orlando and one of the many lessons I have learned from this movie that will be stuck with me.

This movie covers it all that as a religious person, I learned interesting things that I more or less likely knew nothing about. It points out the fact that when God is involved in marriage there is the fullness of joy. This takes me back to when Charles went to church and gave his life to Christ and that changed him by allowing Helen’s family to come over for some get-together and also his personality and pride. In addition, I liked the fact that going to church gave Helen a person and comfort when the music sang. In addition, it is in the church that families joined like Helen’s cousin whose wife had lost her mentality due to drugs. Helen’s mother said something which been stuck with me until date, she that “don’t say anyone is your everything”, only God is your everything”. I agree with her in so many ways because when you put any man (humans) in general as your everything, disappointed is what you get as a result but when you put God, you every desire is fulfilled

My overall view of this movie is that it’s one of the best movies I have ever had to watch that is why after about four to five times watching it; I will watch it repeatedly. Not only is it educative but also funny so when you are stressed you get relieved only by watching it. Medea and her crew being casts of the movie take away the boring and the sadness that you feel when watching the movie.

This in actual fact that makes the movie the best. Medea alone yelling at someone will make you laugh close to five minutes. I will recommend this movie to everyone, you can watch it any time and everywhere but I will highly recommend it to be watched when one is stressed out or even tired because when you watch, it relieves and releases stress. As doctors say and have found out, “Laughing lowers blood pressure, reduces stress hormones, and increases muscle flexion. It increases the circulation of antibodies in the bloodstream and makes us more resistant to infection” and I tell you that this is exactly what this movie accomplish after all its lessons it teaches.


