Peggy Jane Colon

Peggy. C
5 min readDec 13, 2017


December 9,2017

Professor Mcconnell

“Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” A saying so common in pop culture it’s almost impossible not to know where it’s from. Forrest Gump. A movie about a man played by Tom Hanks with a surprisingly low IQ level and several limitations he seems to overcome. A movie so well known for its characters, meaningful writing, and for the great praise it received ever since its release, winning more than a handful of awards. Forrest Gump is a story about inspiration, strength, and the troubles of life itself, which is exactly what I like about it. The characters, the emotions and pure passion, along with its powerful messages lying within the film is what made it so popular and loved, its flaws being outshined by the beauty of this piece of cinema.

Run Forest Run!

Forest & Jenny

One of the most important and most lovable piece of the film is Forrest himself, along with the characters around him. We get a glimpse of the world around Forrest, his positivity radiating throughout the entire film while other characters around seem to suffer and succumb to the disorders of life. Forrest never changes, many claiming that his lack of development is a major flaw in the movie but I disagree. Forrest’s character remaining the same throughout the entirety of the film holds great importance, for it allows the other characters to shine brightly. We can see how characters like Jenny and Lieutenant Dan Taylor perceive the world differently than Forrest and the different decisions and paths they take. Jenny, his childhood sweetheart, takes on a path of self-destruction due to the grave trauma she goes through as a child, being sexually abused by her father while Dan Taylor lives on destroyed by the harm the Vietnam war has caused him, bitter and depressed, unsure of what to do with his life now. Yet Forrest remains positive, living life to its fullest by doing as much as he can without stopping, bringing us to another strong point of the film; the emotions provoked by it.

The film evokes some of the most powerful mix of emotions. Sadness, grief, glee, and inspiration. Sadness overcomes most scenes, from Jenny’s past to the war and Bubba’s death, along with Jenny’s death covered by Forrest’s monologue and final words to her. Yet the experience of watching the film is filled with this feeling of inspiration, especially from Forrest’s story and his life itself. Forrest is born slow yet has more strength than most people and a will others at the time do not have. He becomes a football hero, earns a Medal of Honor for his service in the Vietnam war, creates a company in remembrance of his best friend and his dream, and even runs across America and retraces his steps. His positivity radiates throughout this film, while the people around him are giving into the harshness of the current time period. But Forrest keeps running, running until he has achieved more than anyone could think of and it is a truly inspiring experience that brings tears to my eyes everytime I watch it.

Forrest Gump’s message about kindness is immense and powerful. Forrest is never once rude or disrespectful to anyone in the story but rather approaches everyone with fairness and kindness, even when he is an adult and rich due to his stocks in Apple. Forrest saves other soldiers during Vietnam and after Bubba’s death, he upholds the promise he made. He visits Bubba’s family and makes sure Buba’s dream comes true. He stays by Dan Taylor’s side and because of him, Dan Taylor is able to regain his will to live after the war that leaves him crippled. Forrest even uses the wealth he got from his stocks with Apple to give to those who need it more than he does. He gave money to help with building a church, a hospital and even gave money to Bubba’s mother. He remains loyal to Jenny ever since childhood, never giving up on her even after his proposal is rejected, only to return to her side when receiving the letter and being informed of his son. It only inspires watchers to spread the kindness and love to those around them.

All in all, Forrest Gump is one of the most beautiful pieces in all of cinema, forever remaining a classic and well known in pop culture with some of the most recognizable characters and quotes. It has beautifully written characters, evokes a mix of emotions, and spreads this message of kindness, strength, and love. It is sincerely something almost everyone can enjoy and should watch at least once in their life.

The End

