
Antonio Romero
Published in
5 min readOct 22, 2019

If you could travel back in time, what would you do? I have been living in United States for about 5 years now. I have to say that it is hard being away from home. I grew up in this small city call Ciudad Barrios, about a 4-hour drive from the capital of El Salvador, San Salvador. I spent my whole childhood in this small city of about 40,000 thousand people. I can say that my best moments are the ones that I spent while living in this small city, with my family and friends.

In addition to this, while living in El Salvador, I must say that I had the best childhood. I remember being extremely happy back then. Every weekend, my cousins would come over to my house, so we could play video games and go to the park. I remember my cousin Joel once going to the park with my brother Milton and I. The reason we went to the park was because we wanted to play soccer with other kids from the Neighborhood. We always had a great time playing with other kids at the park. However, there was this time when my brother Milton was playing as the goalkeeper, and there was this guy who was about to score and kicked the ball so hard that he accidentally hit my brother in the face. I remember my brother started crying. I felt sad about it. To be honest I wanted to fight the guy who kicked the ball, but I knew that he did not do it on purpose. After a few minutes my brother was fine, and we started playing again. We used to play for hours without realizing the amount of time that we were spending at playing. I believe that since we were kids, we had a lot of energy and we could play all day along if our mothers allowed it.

Moreover, I loved to spend time with my family. I enjoyed playing video games with all my cousins. We used to play this game called Need for Speed; which was a racing video game. My cousins loved this game, and would spend hours playing it game, just like when we were playing soccer, we did not realize the amount of time that we used to spend playing video games. Another thing that my cousins and I used to do is stay awake until late at night. We used to share scary stories, stories that we heard from our parents. I am not exactly sure how true these stories were; however, it was always funny, but at the same time scary to share these stories. After we finished sharing the scary stories, my cousins would not want to sleep alone. Also, my house back in El Salvador was kind of big. The house had 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms plus the living room, and the kitchen and the backyard, which my grandmother would use to plant roses. Without a doubt, my cousins would not want to sleep in their own rooms, since they would think that a ghost may pull them by their leg and take them. What we would do was sleep in the living room all together so the ghost could not take any of us.

Furthermore, when my cousins were not around, I used to hang out with my friends from school. I remember that I had school in the morning shift so. I went to school from 7am to 12am. I had to walk for about 15 minutes to get to school. I loved going to school, because I had the chance to talk with my good friends and play soccer. The school was relatively small. I remember if could only fit about 200 students. However, it was a great environment to spend time with classmates. I had very nice teachers who always helped me and encouraged me to be a good person and to always be honest and respectful to others. I liked my old school because it was surrounded by a lot of fruit trees, like mango trees. My best friend was Amilcar. We used to do everything together, from eating mango from the trees that surrounded the school to doing homework together at my house. We were very close friend. I met him in first grade in math class when were about 7 years old. I have good memories with him, like when we won a soccer game because he was good at playing soccer, and he scored 3 goals and I scored 2. This helped us to win the soccer game against another school nearby. Our professor, Mr. Eliud, even bought us a cake for winning the game.

Sometimes I wish I could go back in time. I wish I could live those moments again, when I used to play with my cousins and tell scary stories, or when I used to play soccer with my friends from the Neighborhood and school. I was extremely happy back then, without even realizing it. If I could go back in time, I would live those moments again and enjoy them as if there was no tomorrow. Sometimes we don’t realize how happy we are, until we are away from our family, friends or places where we grew up. I believe that we should never take things for granted. Time will never come back; we are only left with the amazing memories from those beautiful moments that we lived with family or friends, places; time may not ever come back, but we will always remain with the great memories from our past. As Oliver Wendell said “Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.” (Oliver Wendell Holmes).

