In love with love movies “3 Metros Sobre el Cielo (3 Steps above heaven)”

Katya Funes
Published in
4 min readMay 9, 2019
H and Babi

Will you break up with the love of your life because he or she belongs to a different world than yours? And I am not talking about another Planet, what I am talking about is a different style of living. 3 metros sobre el cielo (3 Steps above heaven) is a Spanish movie and it was released in 2010. It got my attention because it is not the classical couple from the soup operas that I used to see in Spanish television. I heard my friends talking about it in High School, but the tittle wasn’t attractive to me. I used to watch mote horror movies or comedian, not love ones because I consider myself a not so sentimental person, so love stories made me feel bored. I think that how love is shown in most of the movies is too far away from reality because in movies everything from the main characters is perfect, the perfect man from a wealthy family that marries a poor good girl and fight for their love, that only happen on television. One day when I was feeling bored at home, I was looking for a movie to see then I saw this movie in the trending category on Netflix, so I start watching it. I have to admit I am in love with love movies now. 3 steps above heaven is not only a story of two person that love each other but shows the reality of how society works in the different social class that exist in the world.

H and Babi met

The movie starts by showing a guy named Hugo, but that everyone calls him “H” from a dysfunctional family in a court because he hit a man and then a girl “Babi” from a middle class getting ready for school. This part of the movie shows the different styles of life that each one of the main characters have. What does this have to do with the whole movie? Well a lot because parents want their little girl to marry someone with education and with a good social class, but we don’t decide who we are going to fall in love with. We see the person we love good for us despite of all the bad things. This movie tries to focus in how parents try to influence in the decision of their children when getting inside of a relationship and the different problems that people have in each social class.

H and Babi

H and Babi met and of course at the beginning she rejected him because of his way of living. We can expect that from a middle-class girl that was educated and told that she should marry someone from his environment and not with someone from the streets. The true is that love is not something we plan, is something that happen when we are not looking for it, is something unexpected that makes us feel happy despite of the everything. H and Babi spent a lot of beautiful times together. He shared his hobbies with her, and she looked happy than ever. Love is like that, sharing moments, bad and good ones. Supporting each other in difficult times, loving everything in that special person and change if there is something wrong in us.

H and Babi

It is not fair that our parents decide with who we must be and get marry. Sometimes the pressure of our parents makes us not to fight for the person we love. When I started dating my husband, I received bad comments of him from my family and friends. It was a day to day fight. They didn’t understand that he made me happy, he was responsible, and most important he loves me and take care of me. Doing what you like such as going out with friends to drink some beers on weekends is something that make society tag someone as a bad person for a girl. The true is that is we follow what society want us to be to not be tag as someone like that, we become robots of society and are not happy with our life.

H and his friend Pollo (Chicken)

I believe that we should fight for what we want and who we want to be with despite of our family comments, friends and society. We can listen to them and consider their comments, but not let anyone decide for us. If there is something that makes you happy go for it. And if you want to know what happen to the couple in this movie watch it. Did they end up being together? Did H change his way of living for Babi? Did Babi leave him because of his parents? A lot of questions that you can answer by just watching the Movie.

