Jesus Christ

Mary Ibrahim
Published in
4 min readMay 8, 2019

Cinema is good when it serves a purpose or makes you absorb what you can’t understand reading. I watch movies, but soon I get bored. Since my childhood as a Christian I have seen many movies of Christ. The only movie that I loved, and I’ve watched it dozens of times is a movie “Jesus (full movie English version.)” published in 2015. In this movie you will know how God was embodied in a person and how he was sacrificed for human beings. This video is distinguished from the rest of the movies about Jesus because it focused on three parts. These are life of Jesus Christ, His teaching to humans, and His resurrection from the death after crucifixion.

The story begins with the gospel of Angel Gabriel to Saint Mary who is a virgin and fiancee to St. Joseph to tell her that she is pregnant of the Holy Spirit with Jesus. This movie offers the information about Jesus’ life from the environment, country, and culture in which Jesus was born to understand who Jesus is, who are his followers, and the places where Jesus Christ visited. The movie explains that Jesus is the Son of God. His mother is Mary, who is the most blessed of women. The scene of the birth of Christ was wonderful and full of longing to see what was going on next because Jesus was born in the animals’ barn.

All these sights that the movie presented by the movie are attractive and fun, but Jesus Christ had a message that he wanted to communicate to humans and teach them. Jesus’ teachings were peace, loving, giving, faith, tolerance, no to adultery, no to wrath, … etc. The movie covers a lot of what He was doing among the people on Earth, and His miracles like reviving dead people from death, creating eyes for a man born blind, healing of diseases, forgiving sins, calming the storm, bringing out the spirit of devils from the body of a person, and feeding five thousand people with five loaves and two fish only. Seeing the scenes of Christ’s teachings and miracles was fascinating, as these scenes contain many details that have taken place.

The video is characterized by an illustration of the critics and persecutors of Jesus. Jesus attracted the attention of the Romans and Jewish religious leaders, and the Jewish authorities arrested Him. Jesus was tried religiously and civilly, in front of Herod and Pilatus who tended to absolve Jesus but ruled against Jesus under the influence of the Jews. And some people also demanded the death of Jesus. While I watch the movie, I felt like I was watching the scene of torture and crucifixion live. Jesus carried His cross through the streets. He was crucified besides two robbers. He was stabbed five times in His body. They put a crown of thorns of his head. The movie shows what happened after the death of Jesus, when heaven was darkened. Someone claims Joseph, who believed in Jesus Christ, buried Jesus in a new tomb. Jesus is risen from the dead on the third day. The movie ended after showing Christ’s reappearances to people after the resurrection. I felt sad and happy together at the same time. I felt sad for they crucified Jesus, and I felt happy because he had risen from death.

In conclusion, I recommend watching the movie because it is full of truth from the life of Jesus Christ from His birth until His resurrection from the death. The goal of the video is to explain how Jesus Christ was a special message from God to the humans, and how He came to die for erase our human sins. This movie announces about Jesus Christ all over world. And also, this movie is interesting and attractive. Its content is purposeful and educational. Every word in this film is of the Holy Bible. The video has been translated into many languages. This movie it is the most watched movie in all centuries. Whether you are a Christian or not, I promise you that you will not get bored while watching, but you will feel pleasure.

