Leocritia Udeh
Published in
4 min readMay 15, 2018



What is kindness? One may say kindness is being good to people around you or helping one’s friends and those they know. Also, there other way one can be kind to people such as being kind in words, smile, and so on. The group I want to appreciate their kindness; Holy Family Sisters of the Needy are doing more than being good or helping their friends and people they know. Holy Family Sisters of the needy is a Catholic non-governmental organization, (Catholic Nuns). The congregation of Holy Family Sisters of the Needy was founded in Nigeria, by Very Reverend Father Denis Joseph Ononuju Obiaga in 1983. This congregation was founded to follow the footstep of the Holy family of Nazareth, (Jesus, Mary and Joseph). This group dedicate their lives in serving the poor and needy of the society by caring and dispensation of love to all. Their motivating word is “I shall gladly spend and be spent for the poor” thus, the members of Holy Family Sisters of the needy offer their entire life, freedom, and talent to better the life of poor and the society.

Only a loving heart will be able to give one’s life to serve the needs of others. The members of the Holy Family Sisters of the needy offer their entire life to serve the needs of the abandoned teenage mothers, old people’s, physical and mental challenge people, and the orphans amidst the global world. Though, this group was founded in Nigeria, they are in mission in different parts of the world. I appreciate their sacrifice; they are being transferring to work in anywhere there is need. Their humble acceptance to work in any place no matter the situation, even in to mission where there is no hope for survival or crisis, hence there are souls to safe and care for. This is encouraging to all to have concern about the needs of others. It will help to increase peace in the world.

Another amazing thing is the offering of one’s freedom to keep others happy and better the society. Generally, every person desire freedom in life. The members of the Holy Family Sisters of the needy give out their will to make the vulnerable happy. They bring hope and cheerfulness to those whom nobody remembers, through their service to them. What interest me about them is offering their freedom and their readiness to server at any giving moment of time. For example, even if any member of this group is eating or resting and they hear a cry or call for any needy person around, they will leave whatever they are doing to attend to them. Their priority is caring for the needy and being available for the lonely to keep them company and cheerful.

In addition, these Nuns use their talents to enrich those who don’t have anything or those who have little. In the global world, at this technological age people may not understand how one could offer his/her talents to enrich others. The members of this group offer their intelligent, profits, benefits, wages and so on to the congregation which in general is using to promote, protect and establish the life of the marginalized of the society. This is interesting and lovely for anybody to do, because they make this offering without counting any loss. I appreciate the sacrificial life of this group very well. Kindness never dies it lives forever.

Conclusively, the kindness of the members of the Holy Family Sisters of the needy is amazing and challenging to the society. Offering of one’s life, freedom, and talents for the good of others is a total submission of one’s life to selfless service of people. It may be illogical for people around the world. People may ask how they survive or meet their own needs? The truth is that the more you give the more you receive and the hand that gives is the that receives a hundredfold. The more they care for those in need the more their problems or needs are solved. God whom they dedicate their service to is a generous God. He loves and cares for them. The inner joy, strength, protection, and good health are divine gifts to the members of Holy Family Sisters of the needy in return for their selfless service. To God be the glory! Amen

