carmen E
Published in
3 min readDec 14, 2017


Love in the Titanic

Titanic was called “the ships of dreams”. Tragically, on their journey to the famous America.Titanic takes a turn for the worst and literally goes down after its encounter with an iceberg. The story right before its downfall is nothing short of breathtaking. The titanic is an emotional film full of passion, love and people who are striving for opportunity.

Love at first sight is physically seen through Jack’s eyes as he looks at Rose. This film gives hope of true love as Jack and Rose passionately love each other regardless of his poor economic circumstance and her dreaded engagement. I enjoyed seeing them trying to ignore and overcome all of the obstacles that were trying to keep them apart. From their rich family to the sinking of the Titanic, Rose and Jack were determined to be together till death separated them. Similarly, this is what I expect of my own marriage and love life. This film gives me hope that true love is real and that people can really stay loyal and devoted to each other. The honest emotional attachment and deepness demonstrated in this movie made it more memorable to me.

Followingly, the Titanic brought attention to the issue of Segregation. We see how Rose’s family changes their attitudes towards him as soon as they realize he was not wealthy. As a result, they kept Rose away from him as much as possible. This film is successful in educating its viewers on the different treatments of low, middle and upper class people. This is an important topic because it shows how the low quality someone’s life can be if they have little money. The low class people were given different rooms and kept out of the high class events. In the real world, people are also respected for the amount of money they have. Titanic shows how Jack knows this, but values himself as he tries to be with Rose and not let money define his own worth. This is something I greatly admire and agree with. The message that people are worth more than money is a beautiful thing for people to know.

Last but not least, I enjoyed how the characters boarding the ship were striving for a better future with more opportunity. Jack and his friend in particular, went on the Titanic to go to America for different reasons. Although they were both free spirited, Jack’s friend was primarily focused on gaining a lot of wealth in America. Jack on the other hand saw this as an chance to visit a new place, meet new people and see new things. As I watched this, I was inspired to take new risks seeing how they could lead to better things. Titanic demonstrates how it is sometimes good to risk everything you have if it is working towards a dream of yours.

In conclusion, I would most definitely recommend the film Titanic to others because it educates people about true love, segregation and the chances taken for better opportunity. The passionate love relation between Jack and Rose overcomes all of the other financial and political problems that everyone else seems to be focusing on. Overall, the film Titanic is unforgettably detailed in every single one of these areas and is definitely worth watching. Titanic is one of the greatest movies based on real life events and is sure to inspire others.

