Published in
5 min readMay 11, 2017

Music is the best and more popular form of art. There is not a single person on earth who never felt something when they hear a song. Music makes you dance, feel joy, cry, remember a time or a place, remember someone special to you. Music can make you feel relax and forget your troubles for five minutes and is the best form of communication. You can hear a song in any language and by the tone of the singer voice you recognize when is a sad or happy song. There is not another form of art that has that power. I’ve been passionate about music since I can remember. I was in choir when I was a little kid and when I turned 13 I started teaching myself how to play the guitar and now am focused in learning piano. Let me talk to you about my experiences learning how to manage these instruments guitar , piano and vocal chords.

Let me be honest to you I always wanted to learn guitar for these simple reasons. The first reason is that I love the instrument and you can take it anywhere and practice everywhere. Is not heavy and people love it. The other reason is why every teenage boy does anything : to impress the ladies. Is a really cool and effective way to pick up girls and flirt. There is something about a man with a guitar that they cannot resist. You don’t even have to played it, just having one with you makes them weak on their knees. The other and more important reason is to not look crazy when I sing. When you sing while playing guitar you look way better than when you just start singing by yourself without any music like a mad man.

I did it for those three reasons but I totally fell in love with the instrument. When I play guitar I feel useful, talented and superior. Every chord and every note I play tickles my brain and just makes me feel complete. Like I was born to play. Like me and the guitar fuse together and become one. I also feel more charismatic and in control of the situation. I am really good at it, I took classes here in the US and my professor was very surprised with my arpeggios, he told me that I could make the guitar talk and cry and that not every guitarist could do that. He also told me to take more lessons in the university but I am not going to do that because I really don’t have the time for it and I know that this is a hobby that is not going to take me anywhere.

Right now I am focused on mastering the piano by watching YouTube videos and I must say is not an easy thing to do. Piano is very different than guitar is more complex and is takes longer to master. More than five years, that’s too much. Right now I just play chords in a simple rhythm, is bad I look like I am typing something. I make a lot of mistakes and my hands are always sore when I finish playing. I feel like a little kid trying to learn something new. I also have a lot of questions and no one to give me answers. Is bad but I like it. My goal is to be able to play a whole symphony by myself. Is going to take a year but am going to make it you will see. I practice every day in my Cassio keyboard and I already know how to sing and play at the same time so am good.

I don’t have the voice of an angel but I enjoy singing way more than I do talking or breathing. I been singing since I was born and I been in choir twice. The first time was in middle school in Cuba. We had to perform patriotic anthems every month and our voices sounded really good together. Back them I use to sing only with my throat and that was a problem because that damages your vocal chords and always leaves you with a sore throat. So I missed a lot of performances because I was sick and that made me believe that I wasn’t that good at singing. So I stopped for like two years until I started playing guitar. The guitar helped me sing better and in tune, something I couldn’t do before. When I came to the US I went to Thomas Jefferson Arts Academy and I took choir lesson and let me tell you it was amazing. My teacher MR Mangiello told me that I was a baritone with a very powerful voice. He also told me how to improve how important breathing was, basically you can’t hold any notes without enough air in your lungs. Also he taught me how to sing with your stomach or your chest not with your throat like I was use to do. It was a very productive year and I am always going to remember that class and that professor.

I always preferred arts than sports. I am excellent drawing and I use to write novels when I was younger. But the love of my life, my muse, the motor that keeps me going every day is music. I have listen to more than 5 Broadway musicals .( Right now am obsess with Hamilton). I’ve performed with the school choir several times as with the guitar assemble. I only feel happy when am listening or performing music. Is the most important thing for me. As for you reading this I will tell you to not abandon your dreams. Life without motivation is meaningless and pointless. Like my abuela use to tell me “no hay suenos tan grandes ni sonadores tan pequenos’’

