Queenny Rhenny
Published in
6 min readDec 20, 2018


Rennet Darko

Prof. McConnell

English 112



There is a saying by Ryan Buchanan that, you can blend in when you were born to stand out. Everybody or every child is unique in his or her own way and therefore maltreating them and bringing them down instead of encouraging them must be avoided. According to the story of the movie I watched (LIKE STARS ON EARTH), which was written by Amole Gupte, directed by: Aamir Khan and Produced by: Aamir Khan in India. This was a story about an 8-year-old kid named Ishaan who can’t adapt to the scholarly requests in school. problem behind his struggles in school. Ishaan Awasthi whose world is filled with wonders that no one else seems to cherish his artworks, coloring, his love for fishes, dogs and kites and others which were not important in the world of adults, who are much more interested in things like homework, marks and neatness. His parents were more focused on his smarter elder brother. Ishaan just cannot seem to get or understand anything right in class. He even thinks that it’s difficult to read and write because the letters are always moving and dancing in his sight. He likewise can’t write accurately, and his letters and numbers are some of the time rearranged. He is then in threat to repeat his grade or academic level. The board of staffs always calls his parents and discourage him in his sight. They always didn’t understand his way of life and therefore called his names like, lazy, crazy stubborn and others. Due to his troubles in school, his folks chose to move him to another school that they hope to encourage him. This made Ishaan discouraged realizing his family disband him because of his academic level. Suddenly, another new teacher has touched base in their school that will help Ishaan get himself. The new art teacher has the patience and compassion to discover the real problem behind his struggles in school and finally help the poor child to find himself out.

While Ishaan Awasthi was at the boarding school, a young intelligent boy with physical disability with crouches who used to be first in class befriended and helped him. They both helped each other. When their rude art teacher who used to discourage Ishaan left, he was replaced by Ram, a local teacher who also works at a special needs school nearby called Tulips. Ram takes interest in Ishaan and learns that despite what the other teachers have said, he is a bright young and bright. In spite of the fact that the motion picture has a touch of a “motivation and inspirational porn” vibe at first glance, it really maintains its emphasis on the focus and thoughts of Ishaan as he explores this extreme time in his life. Indeed, even down to his fantasies, as the screenshot below shows him in a spaceship shooting down planets during a math test.


Ram sets his understudies on publicity fire urging them to utilize their creative ability. While watching Ishaan, Ram saw the child’s ability in craftsmanship. He understood the child’s potential. Ram came to visit Ishaan’s family and disclosed to them the child’s concern why he is extraordinary. His folks were embarrassed about themselves not knowing their children potential. Ram helped the child read and compose appropriately. they made an extraordinary bond together


Ram moved toward the school’s foremost to have an occasion of painting to demonstrate the school that Ishaan isn’t what they assume he is. On the occasion, Ram invited all the teachers who discourage and underestimated the poor boy in the art challenge. Ishaan is gone head to head with various craftsman in school including his own special coach, Ram. At the point when the choice came to who won the eyes and hearts of the judges. He is tied with his educator Ram, yet just a single ought to be the champ. What’s more, that somebody is no other than Ishaan himself. He prevailed upon his own one of a kind tutors which made him, Ram, and his family extremely cheerful and glad. Ishaan’s triumph encourages him get himself which improved him an individual in school, family and network. His evaluations ended up higher and identity enhanced and made him an extremely brilliant and glad kid. All the teachers who discouraged his saw that there was something extremely different about Ishaan. Both students and teachers knew how smart and talented he was. The motion picture reveals to us that youngsters resemble stars on earth, they are overall extraordinary in their own specific manners.

Ishaan’s Painting

Ram Nikumbh’s Painting

In conclusion, the movie’s scene melodic numbers likewise focused on Ishaan’s internal contemplations, from needing to be free and far from his schoolwork and far from the neighbors and adults who are constantly negative about him to his hatred towards his mom for consenting to send him away. It’s an exceedingly enthusiastic adventure for Ishaan as he gets himself and discovers that he can beat his disabilities with the assistance of an extraordinary guide, Ram. Although this movie scene was wonderful, there are a few things that rankled me, however given social contrasts, it was straightforward why. The dad frequently alludes to his child as rationally impeded and holds a great deal of fears that Ishaan won’t have the capacity to succeed like his elder brother or become successful in the public eye. This is reasonable given the position framework surely understood in Indian culture. Having the capacity to work and be effective is an unquestionable requirement in their general public. It’s wins big or bust.

They additionally demonstrate that in this cutting-edge society, youngsters with unique needs are as yet isolated into various schools, for example, the instance of Tulips, the school Ram works at. Slam specifies his sicken for the manner in which schools are as yet isolated, expressing that the neighborhood variant of the IDEA demonstration should advance incorporation for his understudies, however instructors are stuck in their own particular manners. Regardless of whether the Indian School System still remains in their old ways or not remains the inquiry, but rather watching this influence me to trust that all the more should be done to spread consideration and decent variety in nations that haven’t gotten a handle on the idea most different nations have. This motion picture nails it on the head. It stays fun yet remains genuine. It’s excellent story between an instructor and understudy helps me to remember a portion of the educators I had as a tyke. This is a delightful pearl out of Bollywood not to be missed.

