The Fault in Our Stars

sandy Hanna
Published in
4 min readMay 15, 2018

How many times have you heard, “why me? But it’s not fair!” from someone in your life? The cancer patients say that after diagnosis. Ten years ago, my cousin was diagnosed with breast cancer, she was 24 years old, married, and have two beautiful kids. She said why me, but after time she could accept that without anger. Now, she is survived from the cancer and enjoys her life with her family. Cancer is an invitation to take stock and reexamine the life. It opens our eyes to a lot of little things and put our families and friends before work. In the same way, the movie “The fault in our stars” its main characters are dealing with several types of cancer. It is an emotional romance movie that will leave you with tears, but at the same time you feel happy. I like it very much because it made me rethink of how I am living my life. It is a very touching movie to watch which has many wonderful life lessons to be learned, such as enjoy the little things, parents are the best, and the days of our lives are limited.

The first life lessons that I’ve learned from “The Fault in Our Stars” is that we should enjoy the little things in the life. Although the main characters of the movie battle cancer and facing the death, they could enjoy little things in their lives. Many times, we don’t feel happy because we wait for big things to happen. We should smile every morning because we are able to wake up, we have job, and we have family. To know the effect of small things just look at the children and watch how they are excited when they get a balloon or how they happy when they have a lollipop. Also, we should be happy with our place in this world. Always will be bigger and better in the world, so we must be happy with what we have.

The second lesson is parents are the best. Parents always give the best advice and be for support and guidance. They have taught us the most important lessons in the life. Also, they sacrifice and face many struggles us. Parents whose kids have cancer are living very tough times. It’s hard to imagine how the main movie characters’ parents go through life thinking about their sick daughter or son. The amount of promise, dedication and patience that parents of cancer patients have is immeasurable. I love how supportive these parents are to their children. Also, I like the main character’s relationship with her mom and how they exchange joke like they are the best friend. Really parents are the best.

Another lesson is that days of our lives are limited. If we understand that our stay is not infinite, we will recognize how we use time and make decisions to spend it wisely. No matter how much time we have, we can impact others and the world. we should live for what feels right. Like the main character in the movie who was self-aware, slept when she was tired, felt her fear, appreciated a good breath, took care of others, and recognized that “some infinities are bigger than other infinities”, but she was thankful for her “little infinity”; the joy within the days she was given. Also, life goes on, cancer or any terminal disease for that matter should not stop you from living your life. you have to live your life to the fullest. I like that how the two main characters of the movie handle their current states which was laudable and that should serve as an inspiration to everyone.

In conclusion, I saw many English movies, but “The Fault in Our Stars” is the best movie that I have ever seen. It is a drama/ romance movie which I have seen many times and I enjoyed. This is a great movie for the whole family especially young teens 13 and up. After watching that movie, I understood the emotions that felt by people with cancer and their families. we all face challenges, who we become is often based on how we handle what comes our way. I have learned also how to enjoy the little things in my life, how the parents are always the best, and the days of our lives are limited and cannot be controlled, but no matter how brief our time may be here, we have the ability to live it to its fullest.

