The paradise near a sea shore

jhoan jimenez
Published in
4 min readNov 6, 2018
This photo of Samabe Bali Suites & Villas is courtesy of TripAdvisor, is an illustration of the place described in this essay.

Have you ever been to a place that makes you feel like it is a dream? Well, I have such a place. My family owns a beautiful apartment with a swimming pool very close to the sea somewhere in the Dominican Republic. Nobody lives there, but in that place my family members spend the weekends together. It is one of my favorite places in the Dominican Republic.
I’ been visiting this place since I was a kid with my family and my friends, we usually go on the weekends. It is my favorite place to spend my weekends at night when I’m on vacation in the Dominican is like one of those places that sometimes we dreamed about.

The most favorite part of this place is the pool. we always go to the outdoor swimming pool at night, where you can see the sky filled with stars and the waves of the sea crashing on rocks making a relaxing sound. From the pool you can see the lights of the ships from far away, the wind at night tends to decrease a little but you can still see the palms leaves swaying to the wind.

Although, the pool is very close to the sea, the water is always warm and it has a smell of chlorine and a dark blue light color inside the swimming pool making it look more elegant at night. It also has a waterfall at the edge of the pool facing the sea making it look like the water of the pool is falling into the sea. There is always a song in the background a at low volume like a classic R&B or a relaxing song. Or a bachata or a salsa with a romantic tone.,

I spend the night with my family and friends sharing old and funny stories about us and the smiles on their faces make every night at that place more joyful. The warm weather in the Caribbean makes you wish for a cold drink. They get a cold wine with a sweet taste of grapes or a beer.

As a matter of fact, this place makes me feel like its Christmas or thanksgiving every time I visited. Because only on these days you get to be with your family to share good memories and spent some time together. This makes this place more important to me, the fact that my brother and all my sister can’t be together all the time because most of them live in the Dominican Republic and other in Florida, Miami. Not to mention that every time I go to this place we all meet there.

one of the most fun parts of being in that place with my friends and family is that we always bring up sports over any topic. We always have fun discussing baseball since half of my friends like the Yankees and some of them like the Red Sox, so we are always arguing and giving our opinions about our favorite team and we also discuss local baseball in the Dominican Republic.

In other words, we always have a topic to talk about every time we are all together at that place, we can spend the whole night as a family in the swimming pool talking and laughing. The fact that this place connects us more as a family and makes more attached to each other makes it more unique.

Also, in that pool, I develop my swimming skills. My dad taught me how to swim in this pool. The deepest side of the swimming pool is about 7 feet. When I was a kid, I was afraid to go that deep but with the time I learned how to put into practice what my dad taught me and I can actually swim well, all that practice in swimming and swimming skills came from that place.

During the day, this pool is just same as beautiful as it is at night. You can see the bright sun, with a form of an orange similar to a fireball reflecting in the water of the sea and making the water of the swimming pool warmer. Although you can also see people during the evenings navigating small boats on the sea. But is just as quiet as it is at night.
On the other hand, at night, you can appreciate more the sounds of the sea and the good vibes of being in the Caribbean and the sparkling stars at night. It is like a transformation when the sun sets it feels like a dream.
In summary, this place is very important to me because I have been visiting it since I was a kid. I have a lot of good memories from it and have learned a lot from it.

one of the things I have learned from it is that the best moments you have in life are with those friends and family that are always there for you. That place also gives me good vibes each time I go It calls my attention the fact that is close to the sea and you can actually hear the water the naturals sound of the waves. I also love being there because I can be with my brother, my sisters and my nephews. Everyone has a place they have dreamed about and want it to be real. sometimes I ask myself how this place can be so relaxing and peaceful but I conclude that what makes it more special is the fact that I can be with all my loved ones.

