Announcing Keep’s Refreshed Website

Keep Network
Keep Network
Published in
4 min readJul 8, 2021

Updating our website to better serve our mission of transparency.

The Keep platform and community have evolved. It’s time for a new home on the web to match the progression of the Keep protocol and our community.

Because one of our core principles is transparency, we updated the website so it’s easier to learn about and get involved with Keep. We listened to your input and structured the new website to be a more helpful resource for both our current users and new ones.

Castle with the KEEP logo on top with clouds moving in the background

The one-stop resource for all things Keep

We learned from our community reviewers that a user insight was: “I don’t know where to find documentation!” Yep, we fixed that. Now, you’ll find important resources and guides compiled on the website.

If you want to learn more about staking, head to the Stake section. If you want to learn more about the community, head to the Join section.

Screenshots of the landing page of the website and the Join page.
The new Home and Join pages on the Keep website

Want to build with Keep styles? Now you can find links to the Keep community design system on the website. It’s a Figma file built by the community for design consistency across community-built tools.

Another user stated, “I think it’s important to know ‘who is the team?’ and ‘who invested in this project?’” Also curious about the #BigBrains behind Keep? We now have a section dedicated entirely to the team.

Screenshots of the Team page and the FAQ page
The new Team and FAQ pages on the Keep website

Another user request was, “How many audits has the code had and by whom?” Links to audits of Keep and tBTC are now available on the site.

Keep users also stated that the website didn’t clearly show “what Keep does or the problem it solves.” The homepage now hosts the three key benefits of the Keep solution.

Additionally, for more details on how Keep brings decentralization and privacy to dapps, look no further than the Info section. It explains how tBTC is built on Keep and how Keep works. We also added a page for more general questions via the FAQ section.

How the community helped with these changes

The Keep Discord channel is a place where the community can bond over memes, chat about the goings-on in DeFi, and discuss Keep governance proposals (see the latest here). We prioritized the community’s feedback and turned to Discord first to make sure we were solving impactful user pain points.

Wireframes, user interviews, and user personas

In the design channels in Discord, we collaborated with several community members to undertake an audit of the existing Keep website. Their insights helped us to highlight particular areas that were unclear or missing. A big thank you goes out to all those that contributed to these findings. You were key in the process of redesigning the website.

Behind the scenes of the design process

Once again, a giant shout-out to the Keep community for their insights. Liz Shinn, Design Lead for Keep, spearheaded the project of relaunching the Keep website. She collaborated with Michael Gluzman, Head of Design. We also recently welcomed to the team Sasha Tanase, Senior Product Designer at Keep, and she provided essential user experience feedback.

Many screengrabs of a series of design process work including patterns, images and illustrations
Design exploration and process work

After the user research stage, Liz then built user personas based on the Keep community and target audience. Liz designed website wireframes that would speak to each of these types of users, whether you were a DeFi enthusiast looking for info about the Keep solution or a Discord user looking for community-built tools. In the image above, you can see a series of inspiration images and illustrations that were explored.

Check out the updated Keep website at We also would appreciate your feedback on the website either in the comment section or in Discord, and we plan to continue to evolve it.

