Exploring the Relationship Between Thesis and Keep

Keep Network
Keep Network
Published in
1 min readSep 10, 2021

Just as Keep Network has been evolving in recent months with its progression to v2, the community-driven KEANU merge with NuCypher, and the forthcoming launch of the T Network, Thesis is always pushing to create new products that fit our mission of decentralization, sovereignty, privacy, and freedom.

Thesis is a venture studio — we ship a lot of products. That’s part of the mission. Before Keep, we shipped Fold, and then Saddle. Now we’re working on Tally, an open source, community-governed Web3 wallet. It will present a huge compliment to Threshold.

Even as Thesis grows, Keep represents the largest and primary project in terms of focus, head count, and expenditure in the Thesis portfolio. With the KEANU merge with NuCypher and the ensuing launch of the Threshold Network, this fact will undoubtedly remain. Thesis has a rising tide, and Keep is one of our biggest boats.

In regards to alignment, the entire Keep dev team have been compensated in KEEP, that’s locked up at minimum until May 2022 — and much longer for many of us. Thesis’ largest asset holding is KEEP, and the entire Thesis mission is aligned behind the success of the platform and its evolution.

Interested in what we’re building at Keep? Drop in and join our community on Discord at chat.keep.network.

