Introducing Our New Team Members

Keep’s Development Team is Growing

Hope Cowan
Keep Network
2 min readNov 6, 2018


The Keep development team is growing again! We have recently added two new developers to our ranks and we consider ourselves lucky to be working with them both. Please join us in welcoming Markus and Marcin!

Markus Fix

Markus studied physics, mathematics, and computer science in Germany and he loves designing resilient, distributed systems that maximize user happiness. He experienced the civil war in West Africa as a teenager which instilled him with a strong sense of self-reliance. Markus always prepares for the worst. Outside of work, Markus enjoys free diving and marine research, which became an obsession after he moved to a tiny island in the Indian Ocean.

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Marcin Pawlowski

Marcin is based in Poland. He has a solid academic background that is nicely blended with experience working with startups. He has published a number of scientific papers on security, networking, and cryptography. He is a romantic researcher with a mad sense of humor, a good listener, and enjoys psychoanalyzing everyone. His job is to read scientific papers and determine which are science fiction and which are fantasy (and sometimes he finds Space Dwarves!!).

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