Keep Roundup — August 2018

News and Updates from the Keep Team and Network

Hope Cowan
Keep Network
3 min readSep 5, 2018


August has been a busy month here at Keep while we work on bringing privacy to the blockchain. Not only has our development team been hard at work on the random beacon, we have been ramping up on learning about the team and are getting ready to roll into Fall with incredible momentum.

Development, Fast and Slow by Antonio Salazar Cardozo

In this post, our Tech Lead, Antonio Salazar Cardozo, explores the adaptation of development practices to the decentralized world. He touches on the changes in software development in the last 20 years and and provides some ideas on how decentralized developers can use their skills from the past and present to move in the future.

Team Member Interviews

We got to know three of our team members better through interviews as part of the Getting to Know the Keep Team series. You can read more about our Community Managers, Jack Knutson and Elizabeth Petrovska, and our Content Manager, Hope Cowan, in their interviews. We enjoyed getting to know them better and hope you do too.

From the Community

We have had some great discussions in our community this month! Our team members regularly stop by Slack and chat with the community about what they are working on and they also answer any questions the community has for them.

On another note, we’ll be opening up our Slack and letting in everyone from the waitlist. We look forward to having more voices join in our community.

Check out some snippets below of a discussion with our community members this month. Two of our new developers Piotr Dyraga and Jakub Nowakowski stopped by and, along with Matt and Jack, discussed our progress on Threshold ECDSA, several use cases for it, and how it will work in the Keep Network.

Learn More

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